Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How did the holocaust end and what happened afterwards
How did the holocaust end and what happened afterwards? From 1933 onwards, Adolf Hitler and his Nazis began implementing simple discrimination laws against the Jews and others who they did not see part of their master race. Hitler and the Nazis believed that German power was being taken by the Jews. Hitler was able to convince his followers of this issue with the Jewish question as it was known, and get away with murdering millions of people in an attempt to cleanse society of anyone inferior to the master race. The Holocaust lasted for 12 years, until 1945. Starting as early as 1944, the Allies were finally advancing on the Germans and began taking over their camps. These liberations and takeovers by the Soviets, American’s and other†¦show more content†¦After four days, the Germans withdrew from the ghetto, having deported far fewer people than they had first planned. The Nazis re-entered the ghetto on April 19th, the eve of Passover, that same year, to evacuate the remaining Jews and close the ghetto. The Jews using hom emade bombs and stolen weapons resisted and withstood the Germans for up to 27 days. They fought from bunkers and sewers, evading capture until the Germans bombed the ghetto building by building. By May 16th the ghetto was in ruins and the uprising crushed. Jews also resisted in some of the death camps such as Sobibor, Treblinka and Auschwitz. All of these acts of resistance were hugely unsuccessful in the face of the far more superior German forces but they were important spiritually, giving the Jews hope that one day the Nazis would be defeated. However at this stage in the war the Jewish death toll was far higher than the Nazi death toll. (3) It was between 1942 and 1944 that the Germans decided to eliminate the ghettos and deport the ghetto populations to extermination camps. Killing centres equipped with gassing facilities in Poland. This was known as the â€Å"Final Solution to the Jewish question†, implemented after a meeting of senior German officials in late January 1942 at a villa in Wannsee. It was official state policy, the first ever to advocate the murder of an entire people. It was also the first time Non-NaziShow MoreRelatedSocial Implications and Consequences of the Hebrew Diaspora1576 Words  | 6 Pages The reason for consequences for the Hebrew diaspora vary in 3 different main points. The first main point is social implications or what does everyone think. The second main point is the consequences in the Hebrew diaspora and the last point is the benefits of the Hebrew diaspora. When I chose my question I had to choose something that was interesting to me. Now not too many things interest me but I was able to find something that helped. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Political Risk International Business Free Essays
string(31) " cause of such economic risks\." POLITICAL RISK IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS The term business normally refers to the act of doing any transactions that ends up in earning or losing money. The act that is ending up in financial implications is called business. This business can be considered as a result of collective commercial transactions of all types involving government, private, corporate, individual or a group of individual, and so on. We will write a custom essay sample on Political Risk International Business or any similar topic only for you Order Now Anyone involve in the business usually undertakes such operations only for the purpose of making profit, and only in the case of government involved business, there will be some other reason than profit making which could be political, economical, etc. International business is recognized and / or defined as the business that is done across two or more country borders. International business involves selling, buying, making investment, transporting goods, logistical activities, etc between two or more countries. The companies that are doing business worldwide are called multinational companies (MNCs). These companies are normally formed and incorporated in one country and then create their operations in various countries, and will have access to all the markets wherever they do trading. These companies are having different strategies and different approaches for different country operations due to many factors such as culture, interest, etc of the people in those countries. To mentions some examples, McDonalds, Sony, Shell, General Motors, Toyota, etc. The very basic purpose of doing business is only to make money, predominantly, although there are businesses which are not mean for money or profit. Hence for the international business also, the basic purpose will be only profit making. However, there are some additional purposes for the international business, since the effort involved in the establishing the international business is more and complicated than just doing a domestic business. Some of the purposes of international business are discussed hereunder. New Opportunities: While the corporations are extending their operations to the international market, the opportunities for them to develop their business and increased sales / revenue are more. Since the international business brings new products and new services to the country, there will be a good opportunity for finding new customers, and making a good volume of sales among the customers. Also, based on the geographical conditions, climatic conditions, available resources, etc there will be more opportunities for the MNCs to develop their business in terms of infrastructure, product lines, etc. Low Cost: This is an advantageous purpose for the MNCs to have their operations in various countries. In countries like China, India, the human resources will be available in large number and hence the cost of labour becomes comparatively cheaper with the countries of origin of those MNCs. Hence the companies start their operations in those countries and reduce their cost of production lesser and lesser. Those products that are produced from there can be transferred to the other country’s operations of the same MNC. Hence over all the company’s cost of production is slashed to a very minimum amount. For example, many Sony opened their operations in China, and most of the Sony products available in any of the country come from the manufacturing units of Sony in China. This way Sony capitalizes the international business concept. Resources: Resources are one of the major assets for any organization. Business while going international, get opportunities to improve the standard of the resources, many times at a cheaper cost. While the business is international, the organization will have access to various types of resources from various countries. This is an added advantage to the company in developing their knowledge, and work force. Hence cross country knowledge is acquired by the organization, and hence the knowledge repository of the organization grows and hence to get more benefit from the resources. Just like the way the international business provides lots of benefits, there are lots of risks associated with the international business, which are discussed hereunder. Strategic Risk: Many of the international companies try to implement many of heir business strategy across all their branches in all the countries; however, due to many changes that exist between the countries wherein the operations are undertaken, many times the strategies will not work. For example, a strategy designed for the summer seasons in one country may not work in another country, since there could be a different season at that time, and vice versa. Hence strategy management is a potential risk in international management. Operation Risk: Internati onal business operations are happening across the globe. The practical situation in one country and the situation in another country will never be the same. Mode of transport, maintenance of machinery, supply and demand of products required for production, logistic and inventory issues, etc will be on a regular basis and will create problem for a smooth production processes. Major cause of this operational risk will be the capital market variances between the countries and assets that are involved in the operational activities. Technological Risk: International business is highly dependent on the technology especially in terms of communication and transaction. There is always a big risk in the security part of the electronic transactions and hence that creates a major risk for the international business. Cost of newer technologies, redundancy of the old technology and the locked cost in such investments, etc are the major risks due to technology. Environmental Risk: While the environment, such as air, pollution, water, etc of the country wherein the operation is happening is affecting the people and creating an environmental issue, which affects the reputation of the corporation functioning there as well. The corporation also socially becomes responsible for such devastation of the environment. Economic Risk: This is anyway not in the hand of the business. If the country in which the business operation of the MNC is happening is not able to control the economic problems, which will eventually impact the MNC as well. Exchange rate, monitory policy, etc are the cause of such economic risks. You read "Political Risk International Business" in category "Essay examples" Financial Risk: Currency rates and inflation rates are major cause of this type of risks. The financial situation of the country becomes instable, and that hits the organization badly. While the government does not have strict rules in areas such as transferring investment funds to other countries, the economic financial conditions become worse. However, the Political risks in the area of international business are large and are highly considerable more than other risks. Since international business is happening in different countries, the business is facing directions and regulations from various political governments. Any changes that are happening in the political situations will have an impact on the way the business is running the country. The leader of the country or the political person in the country will be responsible for such impact of risk; however, the organization will have a lesser say in such situations. The possibility of international business risks is always high. The very moment the business goes abroad, the government to which the business is subjected to will change. Hence irrespective of the amount of impact, there will be surely impact on the business from the political side. The government issues related to the overall country-wide policies, changes in the higher officials such as ministers, or other such positions will directly impact the business. The impacts of the risks are varied from soft to extreme. Terrorism, war, etc are extreme risks, while change of president or prime minister, or different political parties coming into power, etc is moderate risks. However, it is easy to understand and accept that any of this risk will surely be in existence in any given country and hence that will affect the business organization which is doing an international business in that country. The political risks can be classified into micro risks and macro risks. Micro political risks are very common to the country in which it is happening, and will affect the entire company’s existence in the company or something of that magnitude. For example if there is a political instable relationship between two countries, then there will be a risk of closing down the business of the organizations in one country who base location is the other country. On the other hand macro level political risks are something that is affecting all the international business in host country in which the political changes are happening. For example, if there is a political emergency in the county all the international business would come to cease. Such emergency may also work against the foreign direct investment from all the countries, which is again nullifying the international business in the host country. For any risks that are faced in the business, multiple solutions are available. In the context of political risks related to international business, the general strategy the MNCs normally follow is to do a political risk analysis on the country in which the MNC is going to start its operation. If the international business is just about making a foreign investment, before the investment is made a good and detailed risk analysis or research is advisable. There are many independent consultants who do such risk analysis and researches on potential countries. Such reports can be purchased by these MNCs or they can form their own team in making such analysis. MNCs can also adopt some risky strategy which has to be calculative. At times, while investing in a country which is proven for political risk, the MNC can see a better and attractive return from the investment. Hence the strategy needs amendment based on the negotiation with the host government for further compensations and at the same time providing some reasonable benefits for the country resources, such as man power, and other structural facilities. Such MNCs are establishing their operations in those countries and help the country to develop their economy and increase the standard of living there. Another strategy normally tried by the MNCs are involving into the business in the risk prone countries and also make considerable investments in the political risk insurances. By doing so, the possible losses the MNC may face can be compensated by the insurance, if happen so. However, such investments in the international business are made only when the corporation foresees a good and attractive return from those host countries. Interestingly investment in political insurance may also amount to risks, since the insurance claim may not be obtained as it is promised to be. Based on the available option, the recommendation could be to do a good and through research on the political situation of the country wherein the MNC is going to commence its business. While the MNC is hoping to have a wide range of investments in many countries, it is advisable to have a separate department in the company which is looking after such risks, either doing their independent research or having assistance from the well know consultants in the market. Business earns profit in the form of money; however, it also exposed to many risks. There are risks related to the internal environmental factors, as well as external environmental factors. External factors are not in the control of the business organization, and hence handling becomes difficult. When the business goes abroad and become an international business, then the exposure to various external environmental factors increases, while the possible benefits also increases. Political risk is one of the major risks associated with international business, which is the main concern of the MNCs going abroad. MNCs are forced to face both micro and macro political risks. However, since the political risks are a well known factor, there are many research conducted across the world about most of the countries. Hence the MNCs are also having sufficient information to take a decision on the available options and plan their strategy towards opening up their business abroad. In many countries, international business works and give and take policy, where the MNC benefited financially while the hose country is benefited in terms of economy, life standards, and knowledge sharing. References * Alan M. Rugman, Simon Collinson. 2008. International Business. London: Prentice Hall * Oded Shenkar, Yadong Luo. 2008. International Business. Chicago: Sage Publicaitons * Daniels, J. , Radebaugh, L. , Sullivan, D. (2007). International Business: environment and operations, 11th edition. Prentice Hall. * Joshi, Rakesh Mohan, (2009) International Business, Oxford University Press * Travis, T. (2007). Doing Business Anywhere: The Essential Guide to Going Global. Hoboken: John WileySons. How to cite Political Risk International Business, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Human Resources Management Impact on the Working New Manager
Question: Discuss about the Human Resources Management Impact on the Working New Manager. Answer: Introduction Globalization in the modern times has prompted higher and increased levels of interaction amongst people from different cultures and backgrounds in comparison to past times. People are now increasingly open-minded in the global workplace with competition stemming from nearly everywhere around the globe. Diversity can serve, as a source of benefits to an organization but at the same time can also be a source of challenges. It also comes with its inherent advantages and disadvantages. The challenge is, therefore, based on the ability to extract the very crux of diversity and strategically manage it for the enhancement of the people and the organization in general(Cooke 2014). Many organizations according to their individual understanding, have adopted diversity at their workplace or organization with the aim of becoming more creative and open to change Increasing and enhancing workplace diversity has developed into a critical subject for management over the recent years. This is mainly because of the appreciation of how the workplace is increasingly changing. Since managing diversity is still a challenge to organizations, managers are inclined towards learning managerial skills required in a mixed cultural working surroundings and provide them with the ability to teach other members of the organizations to identify the importance of cultural differences and treat all members of staff with dignity. The point of view of most business managers and leaders, diversity is a significant challenge although it acknowledges no organizational boundary and does not have any limitations There are various advantages of a diversified working environment. Some financial benefits incorporate expansion in the pool of qualified faculty from different foundations, and it augments the extent of adequate possibility for the contract. Another advantage of a different work environment is it enhances correspondence with an association's customers. Also, a feeling of the agreement is reproduced when an organization perceives and suits the distinctions inside its differing workforce A differing work environment expands profitability, builds imagination, and enhances critical thinking (Budhawar 2013). A diversified working environment constructs work ones that make an agreement. On the off chance that an organization can perceive the contrasts between its representatives, it will have the capacity to define work rehearses that won't bear a distinct society. Additionally, if an organization can create alluring work hones that endeavor to join every one of the representatives together regardless of their disparities, nobody individual will learn about left or uncertain about their position inside the organization. This thus builds profitability among the workers. A various work environment additionally permits an association to execute its arrangements (Oke 2016) successfully. As beforehand expressed, if an organization perceives the distinctions among its different representatives, it will have the capacity to make a work plan that streamlines profitability. The e xpansion in profitability permits workers and administrators to achieve their objectives inside the association. Findings The impact of differing qualities in the working place is surprisingly more noteworthy than it can be anticipated. Contemplates demonstrating that teaming up people of the same ethnicity and identity might result in clashes and diminishing competency. This is as opposed to a team with diverse ethnic organizations and personalities, which results in a higher rate of efficiency and a lesser contention rate. According to research, it is evident that people with similar personalities develop a habit of having frequent inward issues managing aggressiveness and pride among each themselves. This might decline competence procedure due to unmade choices by the congregation. Teams which consist of diverse ethnicities and basics develop the behavior to have less clash. This is because they tend to understand each other, have a tendency to be more inventive and have attitudes that complement each other. Moreover, these kind of teams have a higher profitability rate basically because each conveys an collection of various instruments to the table, derived from different forms of experiences and training (Chen et al. 2016). Since all individuals have an excellent method for learning, thinking and preparing, there is a high probability that a gathering made out of various personalities may have a few answers for an issue. Groups like this tend to see things at different points and can get any mistakes that might be introduced. Organizations with these forms of gatherings experience a lesser turnover rate, have fewer odds of having defects in their product(s) and have a tendency to have the capacity to think of numerous innovative methods instead of their rivals. An undesirable work climate is frequently the reason for high-class levels in an organization. Individuals require a sentiment belongingness and security. When they feel bolstered in their thoughts and convictions, they turn out to be more painful. At the establishment, the greater part of today's skilled specialists hopes to be dealt with reasonably and with deference. If not, they will soon discover different employments somewhere else, where they will get their prize. Turnover is costly and inefficient, yet a few bosses overlook it. Besides, partners are currently requesting that any association they put resources into must fit in with practices that support little representative turnover. Also, gives a sound work environment, compensating group execution, and enables specialists to communicate with a receptive outlook The process of setting up of differing qualities in an organization has its own challenges. Various firms encounter degrees of difficulties when trying to synchronize working environment with differing circumstances in the relationship. There are challenges in addressing a differing work masses. Overseeing different classes is greater than basically realizing contrasts in persons. It involves perceiving the procrastination of variations, battling separation, plus enhancing comprehensiveness. Chiefs might similarly be tested with misfortune in faculty and profitability of the job because of bias and separation and protestations and legal practices against the organization. Contrary practices and dispositions may be hindrances to authoritative differences as they might harm working relations and injure profitability of spirit and practice. Non positive mindsets and activities in the work place incorporate stereotyping, preference, and segregation, that ought to never be utilized by an administration for procuring, maintenance, and end activities (might prompt excessive legal action). Discussion Resistance to change is another test that associations, as a rule, face when executing such activity in the work environment. There are dependent representatives, who will refuse to recognize the way that the social and political cosmetics of their working environment are surfacing. The "we have constantly done it along these lines" mindset pushes new thoughts and represses progress. At specific spots when different qualities are not accredited in an organization, a considerable part of the time it is because of shifting levels and sorts of separation. Some rights of separation that exist are sexuality, sex, religion, race, inability, social foundation or economic class. At the point when people select an individual to a whole congregation, instead of judging each person solely on merits, it presents challenges since these originations are generally erroneous and relay on unfair generalizations. Tending to the principle issue is the initial phase of finding an answer. Work environment different qualities will be a perpetual apparatus in the workforce, and organizations should make better differences administration activity arranges to keep in mind the end goal to better suit the changing business environment. Notwithstanding viably dealing with a different workforce, organizations should make as well as figure out how to make a different working environment (Lester et al. 2016). In the accompanying passages underneath creator will address both issues and give valuable tips to organizations to use with exact end goal to oversee differences in the working environment and answers for common problems that emerge in a different working environment. Working environment differing qualities is significantly more unmistakable these days than at any other time. This developing change calls for prompt activity from associations with a specific end goal to better oblige the changing bus iness environment. Associations should reexamine and expel any assumptions about beforehand considered learning differing qualities administration since it has after advanced into a more prominent power in today's business surroundings. In general, the government should contribute astutely and spend a lot of assets in differences administration remembering that the end goal to better prepares their organizations to handle the issues that go with a various work environment. "A system should be developed and actualized to enable a society of mixed qualities that pervades each office and the association capacity." Conclusion Diversity evaluation in the job environment big organizations make surveying and assessing their diversities process a vital part of their administration system. An adaptable employee accomplishment overview can achieve this evaluation for an organization competently and profitably. It can assist the management group identify challenges and impediments to differing qualities are available in the work surroundings and what strategies should be dispensed or included. Re-evaluation can then decide the achievement of differing conditions in the workplace arrangement usage. Embracing disparity in the plan of a workplace - Choosing a study supplier that provides exhaustive reporting is an essential choice. That report will be the opening formation of differing qualities in the working environment arrangement. The arrangement must be far-reaching, and achievable. An association must decide which changes should be made and a schedule for that change to be effected. Diversity implementation in the workplace plan - The exceptional responsibility of official and administrative teams is essential. Pioneers and directors within organizations must mingle differing qualities approaches into every part of the organization's capacity. Mindsets toward differing setting starts at the top and channel downward. Administration collaboration and support is required to make a the public useful for the accomplishment of the association's plans. Avoid resistance of change with consideration - engage all workers in detailing and implementing differing qualities activities in the work place. Foster a state of mind of integrity in association motivate staff to articulate their opinions, suppositions and quality a feeling of equal worth to everyone. Advance different classes in authority positions. - This practice offers permeability and understands the advantages of the various qualities in the work atmosphere. Use different classes preparing. - Use it as an apparatus to shape your various conditions strategy. Post an adjustable worker fulfillment appraisal that provides complete reporting. - Use results to create and implement sufficient differing circumstances in the work surroundings policy. Authoritative achievement and aggressiveness will depend on the ability to oversee differing qualities in the working atmosphere effectively. From all the mentioned ideas and issues above, it is a clear indication that employment relations and human resource management affairs will crop up and impact on the working life of the life of manager who has been relocated to the United States of America. When one shifts from one place to another, certain things are bound to happen. For instance, there is a change of environment too not just the culture or the different personalities. As it is always said, the little things that happen always count. It is paramount therefore to look at what may personally, may affect the manager, as a result of moving not just the impact of employment relations and human resources issues to the manager. For instance, suppose the manager is married, this will only mean that he or she has to move with the family or commute often to maintain the family trust. In the long run, this will be responsible for emotional and rather psychological issues. For example, one may tend to be absent minded and tire d in turn affecting the general the overall output of work. Another aspect is the climate change. The past climate and the initial one to the current place that the manager has been moved have a tremendous impact on the manager. Before he or she gets accustomed to the new location, one can even fall sick where there are changes in the climate. The point of knowing what affects the manager will help in reduction of inefficiency at the workplace (Office Vibe, 2015). Diversity is something that should be embraced in all manner of aspects. This will be the only way to conquer whatever comes in that is bound to bring a business down to go slow, instead of enhancing productivity. Different enterprises that are determined by market pressures require to incorporate in their goals and objectives, enhanced excellence and productivity. Also, there is greater plasticity, uninterrupted innovation and the skill to transform market response to the needs and demands (DELAWARE, 2003). Recommendations Some factors can boosts interest and productivity in Human Resource Management practices. They include; Enhancing the individuals management or using human resources as a method of acquiring competitive benefit In certain nation, the reduction of trade union impact has paved the way for management to focus on more specific issues than the conventional ones. A lot of essential HRM aspects such as dedication and enthusiasm comes from the field of organizational behavior and puts importance of management strategy. The idea behind all thus information is to pass knowledge on what goes on in organizations when there are changes in the management. The effects are both positive and adverse. Also, it is not only the company that gets affected but also the society as a whole. Although as mentioned, there are ways to ensure the smooth running of activities or at least a conducive working environment (ILO, 2017). References Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016). Globalizing human resource management. Routledge. Purce, J. (2014). The impact of corporate strategy on human resource management. New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals), 67. Cooke, F. L., Bartram, T. (2015). Guest Editors Introduction: Human Resource Management in Health Care and Elderly Care: Current Challenges and Toward a Research Agenda. Human Resource Management, 54(5), 711-735. Budhwar, P. S., Debrah, Y. A. (Eds.). (2013). Human resource management in developing countries. Routledge. Oke, L. (2016). Human resources management. International Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies (IJHCS) ISSN 2356-5926, 1(4), 376-387. Chen, Y., Tang, G., Lee Cooke, F., Jin, J. (2016). How Does Executive Strategic Human Resource Management Link to Organizational Ambidexterity? An Empirical Examination of Manufacturing Firms in China. Human Resource Management, 55(5), 919-943. Lester, G. V., Virick, M., Clapp-Smith, R. (2016). Harnessing Global Mindset to Positively Impact Advances in Global Leadership through International Human Resource Management Practices. In Advances in Global Leadership (pp. 325-349). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. DELAWARE. (2003, February 2nd ). Retrieved April 22nd, 2017, from Understanding and Embracing Diversity in our World: https://www1.udel.edu/cds/downloads/delAwarespring03.pdf ILO. (2017, March 15th). 1-3. Retrieved April 22nd, 2017, from Human Resource Management, Industrial Relations And Achieving Management Objectives: www.ilo.org/public/english/dialogue/actemp/downloads/publications/srshrm.pdf Office Vibe. (2015, October 20th). Retrieved April 22nd, 2017, from 10 Challenges That Every First-Time Manager Will Face: https://www.officevibe.com/blog/challenges-first-time-managers
Saturday, November 30, 2019
John F. Kennedy Jr. Essays - Kennedy Family, John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy Jr. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He was the youngest president ever to be elected, the first Roman Catholic president, and the first president to be born in the 20th century. Although, he didn't get the chance to live out his term and possible another one, he impacted the entire world. No other president was so popular, especially with the young people. John F. Kennedy was born May 29th, 1917, child of Joseph P. and Rose Kennedy. John had eight brothers and sisters: Joseph P. Jr. (1915), Rosemary (1918), Kathleen (1920), Eunice (1921), Patricia (1924), Robert F. (1925), Jean (1928) and Edward M. (1932). All of the children were born in Brookline, Massachusetts. They were all very competitive due to their parents. The only thing that was important to them was winning. John grew up in the nineteen twenties and thirties at his birth place of Brookline, Massachusetts. John had once stated, life is unfair,1 yet for him the statement was definitely not true. His childhood consisted of many things. Coming from a wealthy family let him have the freedom to do what most kids couldn't. That still didn't keep him from behaving like other kids. He and his brothers and sisters all participated in things such as sailboat races, tennis matches, or even just a simple game of touch football. All family members were always encouraged to get involved with government issues. Small talk wasn't allowed at the Kennedy dinner table2. They discussed world and national issues. The impact of these discussions wouldn't be seen until later. Joseph and Rose were trying to prepare their sons for public life and prepare their daughters for marriages to distinguished young men. In 1937, the Kennedy family moved to Great Britain so that John's father could become the American ambassador there for three years. John stayed in the United States for an education at Harvard University. John was a very good student at Harvard, yet he didn't make the high grades that his brother had. So, John joined two clubs and spent most of his time working on a newspaper published at Harvard, Crimson3. When he had finished his school term his father decided to let him tour Europe. When he was there he started to become interested in wars and politics, after noticing Hitler's actions. John went back there the following summer and saw how Hitler never gave up and continued to strengthen his army. He knew of the war that was soon coming. The United States had sided with Great Britain, so he knew he would have to go into the war. So, he went to enter the Air Corps, but was turned away because of his back problems. Instead he went for the position on naval officer and passes the health analysis. He was assigned to the intelligence division, he thought it was very boring. Shortly after Pearl Harbor was attacked, John was sent for motor torpedo (PT boat) training4. Officer Kennedy soon became Lieutenant Kennedy. In Tulagi, John was assigned to a dirty old looking boat that had already been through nine months of combat. John experienced his first real combat when his boat was attacked by a Japanese fighter plane. Only two men were injured that time. They continued to stay there until one night when a full size Japanese ship came full speed at Kennedy's boat. The boat was demolished and the Japanese thought that all of the men had been killed. All of the men were forced to swim to Plum Pudding Island , three and one half miles away, with Kennedy leading them. After his triumph he was promoted to Full Lieutenant and was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal for saving his crew. He also received a Purple Heart for the severe back injury he suffered from the collision. After that, he took command of another PT boat and took part in many more missions. For John one particularly bad thing happened in this war, his brother died. Which impacted his life so greatly. The family had expected his brother Joe to run for public office. Now that he was gone, John was now the eldest son and
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Rttegng Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers
Rttegng Essays - Free Essays, Term Papers, Research Papers Rttegng Rttegng Jag valde att kolla p en rttegng dr mlet rrde sig om ringa narkotikabrott. Rummet dr rttegngen gde rum kallas frhandlingssal. Dr ska klagaren bevisa med hjlp av utredningen att den talade r skyldig. De som var med i rttegngen var tre nmndemn, en ordfrande, en protokolfrare och en klagare, den tilltalade var inte nrvarande vid rttegngen. Jag var med p rttegngen som hrare. Rttegngen brjade med att ordfranden kontrollerade med att de som kallats till rttegngen var med, men som sagt var inte den tilltalade dr, rttegngen stlldes dock inte in utan fortsatte. Sedan lste klagaren upp de brott som klagaren ansg att den tilltalade var skylidg till vilket var ringa narkotikabrott. klagaren gick drefter igenom bevisen som fanns, klagaren lste upp ett frhr frn polisen dr den tilltalade hade erknt. Efter det gick de igenom den tilltalades personliga frhllanden, belastningsregister, samt inkomster och skulder. klagaren gjorde sedan en sammanfattning och berttade vilket straff som ansgs lmpligt till den tilltalade, vilket d var bter. Efter det var det verlggning och vi fick lmna frhandlingssalen. Det var en rtt s snabb rttegng eftersom att den tilltalande inte var dr, och efter att ha kollat p andra ml som det hr och sett vad de har ftt fr straff s anser jag att det var ett rttvist straff som d var bter. Det var kul att kolla p en rttegng och se hur det gr till. Nader El Hage
Friday, November 22, 2019
Italian Preposition Da - Preposition Da in Italian
Italian Preposition Da - Preposition Da in Italian In its simplest form, the Italian preposition da means from in English. It’s used in time expressions, in which case you may translate it as since or for. Here are the most common ways to use â€Å"da†in Italian. Common Ways to Use â€Å"Da†1) To indicate an an action that began in the past and is still going on in the present. You would use the construction of present tense da time. Da quanto tempo leggi questa rivista? - How long have you been reading this magazine?Leggo questa rivista da molto tempo. - Ive been reading this magazine for a long time. 2) To express the equivalent of the English phrase at the house of: Vado da mio fratello. - Im going to my brothers house.Vado da Filippo. - Im going to Filippos house.Andiamo dai signori Rossi. - Were going to the Rossis house.Arrivo subito da te. - I’ll be right over to your place. 3) To indicate origin or source Vengo da Torino. - I come from Torino.Vengo dalla Francia. - I come from France.È tornato dalle vacanze. - He’s back from vacation.È tornato dagli zii. - He’s back from his aunt and uncles house. This also occurs In surnames: Francesca da Rimini; Leonardo da Vinci In correlation with the prepositions a and : si à ¨ trasferito da Roma a Firenze (movement); cadere dalla padella nella brace (figurative) 4) To indicate the worth or price of something: Voglio un francobollo da cento lire. - I want a 100 lire stamp.È una casa da poco prezzo. - Its a house of little worth.Unautomobile da dieci milioni - A ten thousand million dollar car 5) To indicate a location, place (stato in luogo) Ti aspetto dallavvocato. - I’ll wait for you at the lawyer’s office. 6) To indicate cause, reason (causa) Piangeva dalla gioia - To cry from joy 7) To indicate time Non lo vedo da molti anni. - I haven’t seen him in years. In correlation with the preposition a: lavorare dalla mattina alla sera - to work from the morning until the evening Other Ways to Use â€Å"Da†Here are some other ways to use â€Å"Da†1) To indicate movement through a particular point (moto per luogo): Sono fuggiti dalluscita di servizio. - They escaped through the service exit. 2) To indicate separation (separazione, allontanamento): I Pirenei dividono la Spagna dalla Francia. - The Pyrenees divide Spain from France.Non riesce a staccarsi da quegli amici. - They can’t get away from those friends. 3) To indicate means, method (mezzo): Giudico le persone dai fatti, non dalle chiacchiere. - I judge people from facts, not from gossip. 4) To indicate purpose, ending (fine): Carte da gioco - Playing cardsSala da pranzo - LunchroomSpazzolino da denti - ToothbrushAbito da sera - Evening dress 5) To indicate an attribute (qualit): Una ragazza dagli occhi azzurri - A girl with blue eyesUn uomo dal cuore doro - A man with a heart of gold 6) To indicate a way, matter, mode (modo): Agire da galantuomo - To act like a gentlemanTrattare da amico - To treat as a friend 8) As a predicative (predicativo): Fare da padre - To act as a fatherFungere da presidente - To serve as president â€Å"Da†With Infinitives Followed by a verb in the infinitive, the preposition da introduces the following clauses:  » consecutive clause (proposizione consecutiva): Ho (una) fame da morire. - I’m starving.Fa (un) caldo da impazzire. - It’s so hot!  » final clause (proposizione finale): Dammi un libro da leggere. - Give me a book to read.Che cosa vuoi da bere? - What do you want to drink? Phrases Using â€Å"Da†The Italian preposition da is used to form prepositional and adverbial phrases, such as: Da parte di - A part ofFuori da - Outside ofDi qua da - Further on from/This side ofDi l da - On the other side of/BeyondDa vicino - Close/CloselyDa lontano - From afar/From far awayDa capo - Start over (from the top)/Start anewDa parte (from somebody) - Of youDa parte (to save something) - (Put) AsideDa meno - For less...Dappertutto - Everywhere Prepositional Articles With Da When followed by a definite article, da is combined with the article to give the following combined forms known as prepositional articles (preposizioni articolate: Le Preposizioni Articolate Con Da PREPOSIZONE ARTICOLO PREPOSIZIONI DETERMINATIVO ARTICOLATE da il dal da lo dallo da l' dall' da i dai da gli dagli da la dalla da le dalle
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Great Migrations of Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Great Migrations of Africa - Essay Example Therefore, Mauch had a vision; he theorized that the Great Zimbabwe monuments had been actually made by Biblical characters visiting from the north. He stated: "I do not think that I am far wrong if I suppose that the ruin on the hill is a copy of Solomon's Temple on Mount Moriah and the building in the plain a copy of the palace where the Queen of Sheba lived during her visit to Solomon." Mauch further stated that a "civilized [read: white] nation must once have lived there." To us nowadays, this seems very far-fetched and the concept of the indigenous people actually building the monuments seems far more likely, but this was not true of most European assumptions during the late 1800s (Manu, 2004). The civilization actually existed around 1100-1450 AD, which was actually when the civilization was at the height of its power (Manu, 2004). There are still modern day settlers in the region, made up of mostly shone-speaking farmers. The civilization is located in south central Africa, which is considered current Zimbabwe, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. The actual site itself sits on a high plateau, over 1000 m (Manu, 2004). This civilization is important for a variety of reasons. First, this site, which includes the Great Enclosure wall, has its very impressive monuments which are only beaten out with impressiveness by the Egyptian pyramids (Manu, 2004). Furthermore, an extensive trading network formed through this region, and during the Medieval period, this was very important. The main focus of trade was on gold, copper, tin, cattle, and cowrie shells. This area was also important politically. For around 350 years, the civilization would be ruled by powerful rulers. The civilization was probably made up of around 18,000 inhabitants (Manu, 2004). In 350 AD Shona-speaking farmers settled in the region. They had migrated into the area to avoid the annoying tsetse flies, which can cause the deaths of not only people, but cattle as well through the disease known as sleeping sickness (Manu, 2004). The flies did not make appearances at such high altitudes, so the farmers were able to farm their cattle. At the end of the 11th century, the civilization began to develop (Manu, 2004). Intensified trading activities helped the civilization to expand. However, the civilization was not to last forever. It was abandoned around 1450 AD for reasons still unknown to historians today (Manu, 2004). There has been much speculation about this. It is known that the people left and started the northern kingdom of Monomotapa, as well as other states. Some historians have speculated that the fall could have been attributed to the population depleting land sources, over-farming, or perhaps a drastic weather change that could have hurt the trade marke t. Still, further research in this area is needed (Manu, 2004). Question Two The Bantu people began to migrate from the Congo or Niger Delta Basin. Their migration is so impressive because it is actually one of the largest ever seen in history. This incredible movement started at around 1000 AD and continued through 1800 AD (Nalubwama, 2009). However, historians are still unsure of why the movements happened in the first place. Therefore, there has been much speculation and theory for how and why this began. One theory given reflected on the concept that overpopulation may have inspired some groups of people to move into a different area, looking for areas and land to farm. Another
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The United Kingdom and Proposed European Union Financial Transaction Essay
The United Kingdom and Proposed European Union Financial Transaction Tax - Essay Example This EU financial transaction tax is different from a bank levy. Regulators believe that the proposed policy has the potential to raise nearly 57 billion Euros per year. This proposal has been the topic of a hot debate across the European Union since its announcement in 2010 and it still remains controversial among the member states of the EU. This paper will critically appraise the statement that â€Å"The United Kingdom should drop its opposition to the proposed European Union Financial Transaction Tax. The benefits accrued from the introduction of such a tax far outweigh the drawbacks†. EU financial transaction tax The provision for creating a new financial transaction tax was proposed by the European Commission President Jose Barroso on 28th September 2011 with intent â€Å"to make the financial sector pay its fair share†2. He pointed out that the under-taxed financial segment generated 4.6 trillion Euros during the crisis. Ultimately, through this policy, the Europ ean Commission aims to raise direct revenues for the European Union. Ten of the EU member states already impose some forms of a financial transaction tax; and the proposal aims to harmonise different existing financial transaction tax rates. The proposed policy will be applicable if any party to the transaction is located in the EU. According to an initial study, the proposal may cover nearly 85% of the financial transactions between institutions like banks and insurance companies3. However, this proposal gives exception to transactions like house mortgages, loans to small scale enterprises, fund raising by enterprises, and spot currency exchange. This proposal requires institutions to pay proper tax rates to their country of residence irrespective of the location where actual trade has been taken place. In other words, no matter whether the transaction is taken place inside or outside the EU if any of the party to the transaction is a resident of EU. An official study conducted by the European Union reflects that a 0.01% tax would generate revenues between â‚ ¬16.4bn and â‚ ¬43.4bn per year and it respectively represents 0.13% to 0.35% of GDP. If the tax rate is raised to 0.1%, the revenues would be between â‚ ¬73.3bn and â‚ ¬433,9bn4. The European Commission claims that major portion of those revenues would directly go to the member states. With this policy, the Great Britain would earn approximately â‚ ¬10bn in additional taxes. The proposal allows the EU member states to increase their revenues by charging financial transaction taxes at a higher rate. Nations such as Germany, France, Spain, Finland, Belgium, and Australia support the EU FTT whereas countries like United Kingdom, Sweden, Bulgaria, and Czech Republic strongly oppose the proposal. Benefits of EU FTT The proposed financial transaction tax has a range of potential advantages. According to the European Parliament President, proposal would help EU cities and regions improve their r evenues5. Economists point out that EU regions and cities cannot survive with the current levels of revenues. In addition, existing taxation models are assistable for corporate giants to escape from paying national taxes. In this situation, the proposed taxation policy would be beneficial for cities and other regions to find a new source of revenue and thereby improve their operational efficiency. Unilateral cuts in public spending would adversely affect the economic activities of the EU. Therefore, improving
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Investigation to find out whether changing Essay Example for Free
Investigation to find out whether changing Essay Air resistance is a force that acts upon any object falling through the air. It slows the rate of descent on an object with any surface area. Scientific research has found that by altering the objects surface area, the amount of air resistance either increases or decreases, changing the rate of descent. Newtons third law states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. My helicopter will fall to the ground because of the gravitational pull of the Earth. In reflection to Newtons law, the opposite force in the case of my experiment will be air resistance. As gravity is pulling my helicopter to the ground, air resistance is pushing up onto my helicopter, slowing its rate of descent. The rate of gravity is always the same, as the gravitational pull from the Earth is the same, so the factor in this case, which affects the rate of descent, is air resistance. Newtons second law of motion states that the acceleration an object experiences multiplied by the mass of the object is equal to the net force acting on the object. Thus, if a given force acts on two objects of different mass, the object with the larger mass will have a lower acceleration. In the case of my experiment, the rate of descent on my helicopter, multiplied by the mass of my helicopter is equal to the total amount of forces acting on it. If the forces acting on my helicopter give a net force which is zero, then my helicopter will not accelerate, it will continue moving at a constant velocity. The forces on an object falling at terminal velocity are balanced. Terminal velocity occurs when the weight of an object is balanced by the drag. Drag depends on the speed of an object- the faster it moves the greater the drag. Therefore, if one of my helicopters is moving faster than another, then it will create more air resistance. Drag also depends on the shape of an object. A streamlined object will travel much faster than another object, and they have a lower terminal velocity. We call the force of gravity on something its weight. Weight (N) = mass (kg) x gravitational field strength (N/kg) The gravitational field strength on Earth is around 10N/kg. Astronauts on the moon tried an experiment suggested by Galileo. They dropped a feather and a hammer at the same time, and they landed together. Newton also tried this experiment, dropping a coin and a feather first in air, then in a vacuum. In the air the coin landed first, but in a vacuum, they landed at the same time. The feather and the coin have a similar surface area, so when they begin to fall they should have about the same amount of drag. As they fall the air resistance on the feather soon increases to balance its weight, causing it to travel at terminal velocity. The coin, on the other hand, is heavier, so it continues to accelerate, and probably hits the ground before reaching terminal velocity. The drag force (air resistance) is always in the opposite direction to the motion. The force of gravity is equal and opposite to the drag force. I predict that by altering the surface area of the wings on my helicopter, I will be able to change the rate of descent by increasing and decreasing the air resistance of the wings. I think that if I increase the surface area of the wings, the amount of air resistance will increase, and my helicopter will take longer to reach the floor. If I decrease the surface area, there will be less air resistance, so my helicopter will travel faster. I also think that whilst doing my experiment, I may find the terminal velocity of one of my helicopters. Method: Make a helicopter out of a piece of paper. Make the wings 11cm x 3cm each, and the base 10cm x 3cm, leaving a 1. 5cm gap from the edges of the wings, like the one shown here. Fold one wing forwards, and the other backwards along the dotted line. Measure a height of 2m from the floor. Make a mark on the wall so that you know where to drop your helicopters from. Stand so that the first helicopter is level with the mark on the wall, and get another person to stand on the floor with a stop clock. Let go of the helicopter and time how long it takes to hit the floor. Record your results in a table. Repeat with the same sized helicopter 3 times, and then cut 1cm off the length of the wings. Repeat the experiment until the wings are 1cm long. To keep my experiment fair- I will use the same helicopter throughout my experiment to ensure accurate results. I will also mark a point on the wall so that I can drop my helicopters from the same height every time. Results: Analysis: My results dont show a linear pattern, the average times go down in steps, but this may have been caused by experimental errors. More of my average times are above my line of best fit than on or below it. Evaluation: I think that my experiment was fairly successful, as from my results I can see that my prediction is usually correct- reducing the surface area of the wings decreases the time it takes to get to the floor, because of the reduce in air resistance. If I was to do this experiment again, I would make another helicopter in a different way, because I think that that my results may have been in a more linear fashion if the helicopter spun more in the air.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
They Call Me Anti-American :: essays research papers
Every time I have returned from Honduras I have gone into severe culture shock. It takes me many months to adjust to my native country. This may sound strange to many and others must surely think me insane for saying this thing. They probably wonder how one can experience culture shock in their homeland. To understand it one would have to open their eyes to some basic truths. Most do not want to admit to these truths. They exhibit all of the classic signs of those who have been indoctrinated into to the more controversial cults even down to the classic syndrome which CIA experts in the thought modification business term the â€Å"slide response.†In this response the person being confronted with the truth, or with the wrongness of their actions will attack desperately with illogical arguments. In severe cases they completely â€Å"shut down†mentally rather than face what their subconscious mind tells them to be true. One of the greatest ironies of today is the USA touting itself as the land of the free while individuals in many other nations – particularly some developing nations – enjoy more liberty than many Americans. The US is saturated with federal, state and local laws seeking to regulate and control individuals. That is not the case in many of the so-called third world nations I have visited. Politicians in this country would like for us to believe that the people would be like little lost children without their guidance and, more importantly, their protection. The latest tactics being used are trumped-up threats of terrorist bogeymen to frighten people into even greater submission.                                                        Perhaps they are right and we have lost the ability to care for ourselves. Americans have been softened by consumerism. Generations of children have been dumbed down through entertainment and the educational system. The latest generation of children is being raised in an environment of tight security. Schools are heavily monitored with cameras, metal detectors, frequent locker searches, police presence and even the new RFID tags. When they become adults, this will all seem normal to them. They will not even remember a time when it was not this way. The essence of liberty is the lack of restraint on the individual. Freedom thrives when individual liberty is unbound. In America, the gospel of security is preached as the defense of freedom but it is a false gospel. In the context of the so-called War on Terror, this new security is actually the greatest threat against our freedom.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Fool Chapter 13
THIRTEEN A NEST OF VILLAINS Edmund. Edmund would have to be dealt with, forces turned on him, and I fought the urge to find the black-hearted fiend and thread one of my throwing daggers between his ribs, but a plan was already in place, or one of sorts, and I still held the purse with the two remaining puffballs the witches had given me. I swallowed my anger and led Drool into the castle. â€Å"‘Lo, Pocket! Is that you, lad?†A Welsh accent. â€Å"Is the king with you?†I saw the top of a man's head sticking through the stocks set in the middle of the courtyard. His hair was dark and long and hung in his face. I approached and bent down to see who it was. â€Å"Kent? You've found yourself a cruel collar.†â€Å"Call me Caius,†said the old knight. â€Å"Is the king with you?†The poor fellow couldn't even look up. â€Å"Aye. On his way. The men are stabling their horses in the town. How came you to be in the stocks?†â€Å"I tangled with that whoreson Oswald, Goneril's steward. Cornwall judged me the offender and had me thrown in the stocks. I've been here since last evening.†â€Å"Drool, fetch some water for this good knight,†said I. The giant loped off to find a bucket. I walked around behind Kent, patted him lightly on his bottom. â€Å"You know, Kent, er – Caius, you are a very attractive man.†â€Å"You rascal, Pocket, I'll not be buggered by you.†I smacked his bottom again, dust rose from his trousers. â€Å"No, no, no, not me. Not my cup of tea. But Drool, now he'd shag the night if he wasn't afraid of the dark. And hung like an ox, that one is. I suspect you'll extrude stools untapered for a fortnight once Drool's laid the bugger to ya. Supper'll dump through you like a cherry pit out a church bell.†Drool was returning now carrying a wooden bucket and a dipper across the courtyard. â€Å"No! Stop!†shouted Kent. â€Å"Villainy! Violation! Stop these fiends!†Guards were looking down from the walls. I scooped a dipper of water from the bucket and threw it in Kent's face to calm him. He sputtered and struggled against the stocks. â€Å"Easy, good Kent, I was just having you on. We'll get you out of there as soon as the king arrives.†I held the dipper for the knight and he drank deeply. When he finished he gasped, â€Å"Christ's codpiece, Pocket, why'd you go on like that?†â€Å"Pure evil incarnate, I reckon.†â€Å"Well, stop it. It doesn't suit you.†â€Å"I'm working on the fit,†said I. Lear came through the gatehouse seconds later, flanked by Captain Curan and another older knight. â€Å"What's this?†asked the king. â€Å"My messenger in stocks! How came this to be? Who put you here, man?†â€Å"Your daughter and son-in-law, sire,†said Kent. â€Å"No. By Jupiter's beard, I say, no,†said Lear. â€Å"Aye, by St. Cardomon's scaly feet[35] I say, aye,†said Kent. â€Å"By the flapping foreskin of Freya, I say, bugger all!†said Jones. And they looked at the puppet, confident on his stick. â€Å"Thought we was swearing by whatever we could come up with,†said the puppet. â€Å"Do go on.†â€Å"I say no,†continued Lear. â€Å"‘Tis worse than murder, to treat a messenger of the king so. Where is my daughter?†The old king stormed through the inner gate, followed by Captain Curan and a dozen other knights from his train who had come into the castle. Drool sat down in the dirt, splay-legged, his face even with Kent's, and said, â€Å"So, how've you been?†â€Å"I'm in the stocks,†said Kent. â€Å"Locked like this overnight.†Drool nodded, starting a string of his namesake down his chin. â€Å"So, not so good, then?†â€Å"Nay, lad,†said Kent. â€Å"Better now that Pocket is here to save us, innit?†â€Å"Aye, I'm a rescue in progress. Didn't see any keys in there when you were getting the water?†â€Å"No. No keys,†said Drool. â€Å"They've a laundress with smashing knockers works by the well sometimes, but she won't have a laugh with you. I asked her. Five times.†â€Å"Drool, you mustn't just go asking that sort of thing without some prelude,†said I. â€Å"I said [please],†said Drool. â€Å"Well done, then, glad you've kept your manners in the face of so much villainy.†â€Å"Thank you, kind sir,†said Drool in Edmund the bastard's voice, pitch-perfect, dripping with evil. â€Å"That's un-bloody-settling,†said Kent. â€Å"Pocket, think you could see about liberating me? I lost feeling in my hands a good hour ago and it won't go well for holding a sword if they have to be cut off from gangrene.†â€Å"Aye, I'll see to it,†said I. â€Å"Let Regan vent some venom on her father, then I'll go see her for the key. She quite fancies me, you know?†â€Å"You've weed on yourself, ain't ya?†said Drool, back in his own voice, but with a bit of a Welsh accent, no doubt to comfort the disguised Kent. â€Å"Hours ago, and twice since,†said Kent. â€Å"I does that sometime in the night, when it's cold or it's too far to the privy.†â€Å"I'm just old and my bladder's shrunk to the size of a walnut.†â€Å"I've started a war,†said I, since we seemed to be sharing privacies. Kent struggled in the stocks to look at me. â€Å"What's this? From key – to wee – to, ‘I've started a bloody war,' without so much as a by-your-leave? I'm bewildered, Pocket.†â€Å"Aye, which concerns me, as you lot are my army.†â€Å"Smashing!†said Drool. The Earl of Gloucester came himself to release Kent. â€Å"I'm sorry, good man. You know I would not have allowed this, but once Cornwall has set his mind†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"I heard you try,†said Kent. The two had been friends in a former life, but now, Kent, lean and dark-haired, looked younger and more than a measure dangerous, while the weeks had weighed like years on Gloucester. He was near feeble, and struggled with the heavy key to the stocks. I took it from him gently and worked the lock. â€Å"And you, fool, I'll not have you chiding Edmund for his bastardy.†â€Å"He's no longer a bastard, then? You married his mother. Congratulations, good earl.†â€Å"No, his mother is long dead. His legitimacy comes from the treachery of my other son, Edgar, who betrayed me.†â€Å"How so?†I asked, knowing full well how. â€Å"He planned to take my lands from me and hasten me to the grave.†This was not what I had written in the letter. Certainly, the lands would be forfeit, but there had been no mention of murder of the old man. This was Edmund's doing. â€Å"What have you done to anger our father?†said Drool, pitch-perfect in Edmund's voice. We all turned and stared at the great oaf, the wrong-sized voice coming from his cavernous mouth. â€Å"I have done nothing,†said Drool in another voice. â€Å"Edgar?†said Gloucester. Indeed, it was Edgar's voice. I tensed at what might come next. â€Å"Arm yourself and hide,†the bastard's voice said. â€Å"Father has it in his mind that you have committed some offense, and he has ordered guards to seize you.†â€Å"What?†said Gloucester. â€Å"What dodgy magic is this?†Then the bastard's voice again: â€Å"I have consulted the constellations, and they foretell of our father going mad and hunting you – â€Å" At that point I clamped my hand over Drool's mouth. â€Å"It's nothing, my lord,†said I. â€Å"The Natural is not right in his mind. Fever, methinks. He mimics voices but not intent. His thoughts are a jumble.†â€Å"But those were the very voices of my sons,†said Gloucester. â€Å"Aye, but only in sound. Only in sound. Like a jabbering bird is the great fool. If you have quarters where I might take him – â€Å" â€Å"And the king's most favored fool, and abused servant,†added Kent, rubbing at the rash on his wrists left from the stocks. Gloucester considered a moment. â€Å"You, good fellow, have been wrongly punished. Goneril's steward Oswald is less than honorable. And while I find it a mystery, Lear does love his Black Fool. There's an unused solar in the north tower. It leaks, but it will be out of the wind and close to your master, who will have quarters in the same wing.†â€Å"Aye, thank you, good lord,†said I. â€Å"The Natural needs tending. We'll wrap him in blankets then I'll run down to the chemist for a leech.†We hustled Drool into the tower and Kent closed the heavy door and bolted it. There was one cathedral window with cracked shutters and two arrow loops, all set in alcoves, with tapestries pulled aside and tied to allow in the little light. We could see our breath in the winter air. â€Å"Drop those tapestries,†said Kent. â€Å"Well, go grab some candles first,†said I. â€Å"It'll be dark as Nyx's[36] bunghole once we pull the tapestries.†Kent left the solar and returned a few minutes later with a heavy iron candelabra with three lit candles. â€Å"A chambermaid is bringing us a brazier of charcoal and some bread and ale,†said the knight. â€Å"Old Gloucester's a good sod.†â€Å"And survivor enough not to speak his mind to the king about his daughters,†said I. â€Å"I've learned some,†said Kent. â€Å"Aye.†I turned to the Natural, who was playing with the wax dripping off the thick candles. â€Å"Drool, what was it you were saying? That bit with Edmund and Edgar plotting.†â€Å"I don't know, Pocket. I just says it, I don't know what's said. But Lord Edmund beats me when I talk in his voice. I'm an insult to nature and should be punished, says he.†Kent shook his head like a great hound clearing his ears of water. â€Å"What sort of convoluted wickedness have you set in motion, Pocket?†â€Å"Me? This isn't my doing, this villainy is authored by that blackguard Edmund. But it will work for our plan. The conversations between Edgar and Edmund lie on the shelves of Drool's mind like forgotten volumes in a library, we need only prompt the git to open them. Now, to it. Drool, say the words of Edgar when Edmund advises him to hide.†And so we pried events out of Drool's memory using cues like a cat's paw,[37] and by the time we had warmed ourselves over the brazier and eaten our bread, we saw the pieces of Edmund's treachery played out as in the voices of the original players. â€Å"So Edmund wounded himself and claimed that Edgar did it,†said Kent. â€Å"Why didn't he simply slay his brother?†â€Å"He needs to assure his inheritance first, and a knife to the back would have been suspect,†said I. â€Å"Besides, Edgar is a formidable fighter – I don't think Edmund would face him.†â€Å"A traitor and a coward,†said Kent. â€Å"And those are his assets,†said I. â€Å"Or we shall use them thus.†I patted Drool's shoulder softly. â€Å"Good lad, excellent fool-craft. Now, I need you to see if you can say what I say in the voice of the bastard.†â€Å"Aye, Pocket, I'll give it a go.†I said, â€Å"Oh, my sweet lady Regan, thou art more fair than moonlight, more radiant than the sun, more glorious than all the stars. I must have you or I shall surely die.†In a wink Drool repeated my words back to me in the voice of Edmund of Gloucester, the intonation and desperation in the perfect key to unlock Regan's affections, or so I'd wager. â€Å"Howzat?†asked the git. â€Å"Excellent,†said I. â€Å"Uncanny,†said Kent. â€Å"How is it that Edmund let the Natural live? He must know he bears witness to his treachery.†â€Å"That is an excellent question. Let's go ask him, shall we?†It occurred to me, as we made our way to Edmund's quarters, that since I had seen the bastard, the power of my protection, being King Lear, had waned somewhat, while Edmund's influence, and therefore immunity, had expanded when he became heir to Gloucester. In short, the deterrents to keep the bastard from murdering me had all but evaporated. I had only Kent's sword and Edmund's fear of ghostly retribution to protect me. The witches' pouch of puffballs weighed heavily as a weapon, however. A squire showed me to an antechamber off Castle Gloucester's great hall. â€Å"His lordship will receive only you, fool,†said the squire. Kent looked ready to bully the boy but I held up a hand to stay him. â€Å"I'll see that the door is left unlatched, good Caius. If I should call, please enter and dispatch the bastard with lethal vigor.†I grinned at the spot-faced squire. â€Å"Unlikely,†said I. â€Å"Edmund holds me in very high esteem and I him. There will be little time between compliments to discuss business.†I breezed by the young knight and into the chamber where Edmund was alone, sitting at a writing desk. I said, â€Å"Thou scaly scalawag of a corpse-gorged carrion worm, cease your feast on the bodies of your betters and receive the Black Fool before vengeful spirits come to wrench the twisted soul from your body and drag it into the darkest depths of hell for your treachery.†â€Å"Oh, well spoken, fool,†said Edmund. â€Å"You think so?†â€Å"Oh yes, I'm cut to the quick. I may never recover.†â€Å"Completely impromptu,†said I. â€Å"With time and polish – well, I could go out and return with a keener edge on it.†â€Å"Perish the thought,†said the bastard. â€Å"Take a moment to catch your breath and revel in your rhetorical mastery and achievement.†He gestured toward a high-backed chair across from him. â€Å"Thank you, I will.†â€Å"Still tiny, though, I see,†said the bastard. â€Å"Well, yes, Nature being the recalcitrant twat that she is – â€Å" â€Å"And still weak, I presume?†â€Å"Not of will.†â€Å"Of course not, I referred simply to your willowy limbs.†â€Å"Oh yes, in that case, I'm a bit of a soggy kitten.†â€Å"Splendid. Here to be murdered then, are you?†â€Å"Not immediately. Uh, Edmund, if you don't mind my saying, you're being off-puttingly pleasant today.†â€Å"Thank you. I've adopted a strategy of pleasantness. It turns out that one can perpetrate all manner of heinous villainy under a cloak of courtesy and good cheer.†Edmund leaned over the desk now, as if to take me into his most intimate confidence. â€Å"It seems a man will forfeit all sensible self-interest if he finds you affable enough to share your company over a flagon of ale.†â€Å"So you're being pleasant?†â€Å"Yes.†â€Å"It's unseemly.†â€Å"Of course.†â€Å"So, you've received the dispatch from Goneril?†â€Å"Oswald gave it to me two days ago.†â€Å"And?†I asked. â€Å"Evidently the lady fancies me.†â€Å"And how do you feel about that?†â€Å"Well, who could blame her, really? Especially now that I'm both pleasant and handsome.†â€Å"I should have cut your throat when I had the chance,†said I. â€Å"Ah, well, water under the bridge, isn't it? Excellent plan, with the letter to discredit my brother Edgar, by the way. Went smashingly. Of course I embellished somewhat. Improvised, if you will.†â€Å"I know,†said I. â€Å"Implied patricide and the odd self-inflicted wound.†I nodded toward his bandaged sword arm. â€Å"Oh yes, the Natural talks to you, doesn't he?†â€Å"Curious, then. Why is that bloody great oaf still drawing breath, knowing what he does about your plans. Fear of ghosts, is it?†For the first time Edmund let his pleasant and insincere grin falter. â€Å"Well, there is that, but also, I quite enjoy beating him. And when I'm not beating him, having him around makes me feel more clever.†â€Å"You simple bastard, Drool makes anvils feel more clever. How bloody common of you.†That did it. Pretense of pleasantness fell when it came to questions of class, evidently. Edmund's hand dropped below the table and came up with a long fighting dagger. But alas, I was already in the process of swinging down hard with Jones's stick end and struck the bastard on his bandaged forearm. The blade went spinning in such a way that I was able to kick the hilt as it hit the floor and flip it up into my own waiting weapon hand. (To be fair, that is right or left, whether it was the juggling or the pickpocket training of Belette, I am agile with either hand.) I flipped the blade and held it ready for a throw. â€Å"Sit! You're exactly a half-turn from hell, Edmund. Do twitch. Please do.†He'd seen me perform with my knives at court and knew my skill. The bastard sat, cradling his hurt arm as he did so. Blood was seeping through the bandage. He spat at me, and missed. â€Å"I'll have you – â€Å" â€Å"Ah, ah, ah,†said I, brandishing the blade. â€Å"Pleasant.†Edmund growled, but stopped as Kent stormed into the room, knocking the door back on its hinges. His sword was drawn and two young squires were drawing theirs as they followed him. Kent turned and smashed the lead squire in the forehead with the hilt of his own weapon, knocking the boy backward off his feet, quite unconscious. Then Kent spun and swept the feet out from under the other with the flat of his sword and the lad landed on his back with an explosion of breath. The old knight drew back to thrust through the squire's heart. â€Å"Hold!†said I. â€Å"Don't kill him!†Kent held and looked up, assessing the situation for the first time. â€Å"I heard a blade clang. I thought the villain was murdering you.†â€Å"No. He gave me this lovely dragon-hilted dagger as a peace offering.†â€Å"That is not true,†said the bastard. â€Å"So,†said Kent, paying particular attention to my readied weapon, â€Å"you're murdering the bastard, then?†â€Å"Merely testing the weapon's balance, good knight.†â€Å"Oh, sorry.†â€Å"No worries. Thank you. I'll call you if I need you. Take that unconscious one with you, would you?†I looked at the other, who trembled on the floor. â€Å"Edmund, do instruct your knights to be pleasant toward my ruffian. He is a favorite of the king.†â€Å"Let him alone,†grumbled Edmund. Kent and the conscious squire dragged the other one out of the chamber and closed the door. â€Å"You're right, this being pleasant is the dog's bollocks, Edmund.†I flipped the dagger and caught it by the hilt. When Edmund made as if to move, I flipped it again and caught it by the blade. I raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. â€Å"So, you were saying about how well my plan had worked.†â€Å"Edgar is branded a traitor. Even now my father's knights hunt him. I will be lord of Gloucester.†â€Å"But, really, Edmund, is that enough?†â€Å"Exactly,†said the bastard. â€Å"Uh, exactly what?†Had he already set his sights on Albany's lands, not even having spoken with Goneril? Now I was doubly unsure of what to do. My own plan to pair the bastard with Goneril and undermine the kingdom was the only thing keeping me from sending the dagger to his throat, and when I thought of the lash marks on poor Drool's back my hand quivered, wanting to loose the knife to its mark. But what had he set his sights on? â€Å"The spoils of war can be as great as a kingdom,†said Edmund. â€Å"War?†How knew he of war? My war. â€Å"Aye, fool. War.†â€Å"Fuckstockings,†said I. I let the knife fly and ran out of the room, bells jingling. As I approached our tower, I heard what sounded like someone torturing an elk in a tempest. I thought that Edmund might have sent an assassin for Drool after all, so I came through the door low, with one of my daggers at the ready. Drool lay on his back on a blanket, a golden-haired woman with a white gown spread around her hips was riding him as if competing in the nitwit steeplechase. I'd seen her before, but never so solid. The two were wailing in ecstasy. â€Å"Drool, what are you doing?†â€Å"Pretty,†said Drool, a great joyous, goofy grin on him. â€Å"Aye, she's a vision, lad, but you're knobbing a ghost.†â€Å"No.†The dim giant paused in his upward thrusting, lifted her by her waist and looked closely at her as if he'd found a flea in his bed. â€Å"Ghost?†She nodded. Drool tossed her aside and with a long shuddering scream ran to the window and dove through, shattering the shutters as he went. The scream trailed off and ended with a splash. The ghost pulled her gown down, tossed her hair out of her face, and grinned. â€Å"Water in the moat,†she said. â€Å"He'll be fine. Guess I'll be going away half-cocked, though.†â€Å"Well, yes, but jolly good of you to take time from chain rattling and delivering portents of bloody doom to shag the beef-brained boy.†â€Å"Not up for a spirity tumble yourself, then?†She made as if to lift her gown above her hips again. â€Å"Piss off, wisp, I've got to go fish the git out of the moat. He can't swim.†â€Å"Not keen on flight, neither, evidently?†No time for this. I sheathed my dagger, wheeled on my heel and started out the door. â€Å"Not your war, fool,†said the ghost. I stopped. Drool was slow at most things, perhaps he would be so at drowning. â€Å"The bastard has his own war?†â€Å"Aye.†The ghost nodded, fading back to mist as she moved. â€Å"A fool's best plan Plays out to chance, But a bastard's hope, Arrives from France.†â€Å"Thou loquacious fog, thou nattering mist, thou serpent-tongued steam, for the love of truth, speak straight, and no sodding rhyme.†But in that moment she was gone. â€Å"Who are you?†I shouted to the empty tower.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Social construction gender
The Social Construction of Gender Associated with Disordered Eating Patterns. In the US alone, there is reported to be over 1 million malnourished cases. Of all the above, a significant percentage are self-imposed malnourishment, which implies that, they do not occur as a result of lack of nutritious food but rather as a result of the rush for beauty. More than ever before, women want to look and feel thin and ‘small’. This is what is in the contemporary times viewed as beauty. The media, community as well as peers have all contributed to the development. This paper explores the concept of thinness as reflected in the contemporary society especially the role of eating disorders in the endeavour for beauty. 1. Introduction The social construction of gender has been attributed to numerous challenges facing women since time immemorial. Numerous happenings which influence or affect human beings have been given a social interpretation and therefore resulting onto the coining of the term â€Å"social construction†. The term basically refer to those belief widely held by the society which influence the interactions. In reference to gender, social construction refers to the social process in which men and women are subjected to different conditions in an endeavour to understand better how each one functions as well as the interconnection between the two genders. Social construction aims at looking at the effects the differential treatment of women has on their social life as well as their cultural practices. Although not widely researched on, social construction of gender had much influence on eating patterns. The fact that modernization has yielded much pressure on today’s human is a point to the fact that social construction is in action in almost all spheres of life. Unlike in the fact when beauty has not so much tied to one’s body weight/mass. The 21st century has seen a rise in the emphasis given to being slim especially on the part of women although overweight, obesity or under weight are problems that affect both gender, not is worthy noting that much of the emphasis on keeping fit in the sense of remaining slim is usually used in regard to women. From a gender perspective women are under much pressure to look and keep’ smart. The reason why majority want to remain slim is due to social pressure which stems from the fact that many cultures and especially the western culture value slimness and views it as a lading quality of beauty. The following discussion focuses on self-scheme less space as well as lack of voice as basic concept which advances social construction of gender. On the other hand, the discussion analyses gender identity from a woman perspective while at the same discussing the valuable concepts such as the power associated with beauty as well as the pressure of period the community at large as well as the effects these have on women. . Self-Schema This refers to the experiences of people in regard to their interactions with the society. Self-schema has been defined by, Lorber, & Farrell,(1991) as the organization of personal information all related to one experiences all of which have an impact on what people do and focus on. In regard to social construction, self-schema may refer to how wome n perceive and describe themselves. Such may include women role in the family women and leadership, women and beauty, which is the main focus of this paper. Schema in human beings is concerned with beliefs, pas experiences in life. In case of women various schemas can be attributed to eating disorder. These includes, what the society holder as the ideal weight, what the society beliefs to be the ideal height the ideal hair colour, the idea colour as well as what the society holds to represent heavily. The above contribute to childhood experiences as well experiences in teenage, early adulthood as well as late adulthood as well as late adult shapes ones mind set on many issues. For instances whether a lady perceives herself as beautiful cut, attractive or one of the above is greatly influenced by what she has undergone in life. The experiences shape beliefs over perception of the general public. In regard to women and dietary habits any consistent staring aimed at an overweight or round figured lady can lead to the lady believing that the stares are as a result of her body size, shape or figure and this further contributes to social construction of women. Self schema depends and is shaped by a woman’s experiences and at the same by stimuli in the society such as reactions from people, fashion, attitudes as well as cultural and environmental factors. Self schema on the other had is determined by the company or peers of a woman, the environment whether office or human environment. Determinants of self schema in women. Experience, how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema in women. Experiences of how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema determine how one is likely to respond or react. Importance of self-schema in women. While self schema could sometimes be detrimental to a woman’s health, the fact that some self-schema is represented positively is worth noting. Of particular interest to feminists is the fact that women who result of self-schema hold high opinions of themselves are more likely to resist social pressures which cause many women to confirm to society’s expectations which are mostly anti feminine. Problems of self-schema Self-schema can cause a number of problems to women. Such may include the development of stereotypes which revolve around certain attributes being assigned to specific groups of people. For instance, there exists, a stereotype about the western woman being slim and tall as apposed to African who are viewed as plum and short. Stereotypes can lead to misconceptions of facts and a lack of clear interpretation to meaning this in turn results into women suffering especially if the stereotypes come in the way of woman development issues. A. Disappear/Less Space A prejudice concerning a woman as not being beautiful for instance may put the particular woman at a disadvantage when it comes to making choices especially in her social life. For instance where prejudice of a woman in terms of her appearance and shape is dominant, chances are that the woman is more likely to suffer and be at a disadvantage compared to others who are not subjected to the prejudice. . Woman’s gender Identity Self schema may be problematic in that, they may lead to a woman being discriminated against in light of her beauty or lack of it. Since society mostly conceptual ones beauty a physical appearance, a woman may be discriminated against as account of her physical looks. This in turn may cause numerous effects in that the woman who is not equally physically endowed may miss out on opportunities she rightfully qualifies for. Woman gender identity From a gender perspective a woman has been portrayed as the weaker sex. Although it is hard to trace the origin of this common belief, it can be attributed to the domination of man in most spheres of public life such as politics and religion. Also the religious teachings of many religious have perpetrated this understanding in that their teaching which often call for nor-compromising adherence preach about how a woman should be submissive to a man. This has had the greatest impact in the lives of more women than any other factor, for instance, a woman is more likely to be denied a place in some churches or religious purely because of the fact that the particular religion teachers that. Power of beauty Power of beauty has been known to bring down ever the mightiest in the society. From the biblical records of King Solomon to Samson, from presidents to kings, beauty has been cited as one of the greatest assets the female gender has at its disposal. Even at household levels, beautiful women have a high bargaining then not so beautiful woman, for a beautiful woman, the beauty acts like a fall-back position and one is likely to use it to her advantage. However beauty as a gender concept is given different interpretation from culture to culture as well as from society to society, however, the immense power those of the females who are beautiful yield makes them at bargaining. The concept of beauty and the emphasis accorded to it has meant it more of a tool of bargain than it is a natural gift endowed to a woman. Women are investing in healthy and nutritious foods as well as seeking services of beauty consultants. Overall, the role of diet and food in beauty can not be over-emphasized. To remain beautiful, at least according to American standards one has to keep close watch on their weight, this has in turn has contributed to eating disorders. This is a big blow to proponents of health. Unlike in the past, currently the once promising trends as far as malnourishment cases in the society are concerned have started to revert and more cases of malnourishment are being reported. It is common knowledge that nowadays; women are keen to ‘keep fit’ at all costs. However, what makes the topic of interest and concern to social constructionist is the fact that the problem does not reflect in men as much as it is reflected in women. This phenomenon has led to feminists calling far changes in the way beauty is perceived in the society so as to alleviate the impeding danger of malnourishment. Recent happenings in some beauty events early this year clearly illustrates the extent to which the problem has become another challenge for governments and other stakeholder such as health departments. Role of media Media has been termed as one of the strongest agent of change in the 21st century. From the internet to television adverts, mobile phones and computer technology. Media in all its forms whether print or electronic is the vehicle through which the society mostly utilizes in communication. For instance, in advertisement, the medial constantly portrays the beautiful women as that who is slim slender or not weighing a lot. Due to its power of communication, audiences often fall for what the media passes across and only a few take the time to review it and give it a critical review. Thus, the media has in some sense been misused to misconstrue facts and there has altered meanings of some concepts such as beauty. On the other hard, media can be used positively to rectify the negative perception inculcated in minds of people especially about what entails beauty. The media can come up with programmes aimed at advancing a different dimension, which perhaps de-emphasises sliminess and concentrates on other aspects such as beauty of the heart as well as beauty of being truly health through use of natural means such as healthy food, and exercises. Role of community/Team In terms of beauty at least every one grows knowing a beautiful colleague. It is hard to fail to arrive at consensus on who is beautiful than, who usually the judgement does not need experts but each society is socially constructed in such a way that, it has attribute and even values which as highly associated with beauty, it is these values than the community and ones peers hold about being beautiful and what is beauty that, make the role of community and peer central to the understanding of beauty. The society especially peers have enhanced the constructing of beauty as thinness is that, even in most cultures, being overweight is more revered than being under weight. This clearly points to the fact that, thinness has been taken to be a synonym for beauty and vice versa. Conclusion As long as society continues to give more power to thinner women, eating disorders will continue. Women are expected to look and act a certain way in order to have a small portion of the power men have. As feminist we must help create a society that avoids discrimination. Eventually that is the only way that we will help alleviate many issues women deal with, such as eating disorders.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Difference Between Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method Essays
Difference Between Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method Essays Difference Between Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method Paper Difference Between Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method Paper Direct Method and Grammar Translation Method These are the two oldest methods for teaching foreign languages. Grammar Translation Method first appeared in the 18th century and was originally used for teaching old languages like Greek, Latin then failed in teaching communication skills. After that, the Direct Method was built with the attempts to overcome the weakness of the Grammar Translation Method. As a result of that, there are many differences between the principles of these two methods which will be summarized into three following main ones. Direct and grammar-translation method: advantages and disadvantages The first and foremost difference between the Direct Method and The Grammar Translation method is the goals of the teachers using them. In Grammar Translation Method, the teachers’ fundamental purpose is to help the students read and appreciate literature written in the target language. To be able to do this,students have to learn a lot about the grammar rules and vocabularies. On the contrary, the teachers who use the Direct Method intend that the students learn how to communicate in the target language. It is very important that the students are believed to think in the target language. In addition, due to the different teaching goals, there is a great disparity in teaching and learning process of the Grammar Translation Method and the Direct Method. In a typical Grammar Translation Method class, students are taught to translate from one language to another. They are also asked to memorize the native language equivalents for the target language vocabulary words. In contrast, the native language should not be used in the classroom. The students need to associate the meaning and the target language directly. To help the students to do this, the teacher demonstrates the meanings through pictures, realia, or pantomime. In other words, translation is never used in this type of class. Another obvious difference between the two methods is the dealing with grammar. Whereas grammar is taught deductively in the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct method uses an inductively way so the students are given examples and they figure out the rules or generalization from those examples. It might happen that the explicit grammar rule is never given. In Grammar Translation method, grammar rules are presented with examples. The students are asked to memorize those rules and then apply to other examples and exercises. To conclude, I can rightly say that both methods have advantages and disadvantages. It’s up to the teachers to choose or combine the methods according to their teaching situation so that their students will get the most benefit. In my own teaching context, I use the principles of the Direct Method more due to the needs of my students. I am teaching a class of international students who come from different countries and their native languages are different from mine. Therefore, translation is impossible. To make the meaning clear, I usually use pictures, realia, or pantomime. The target language is the mean of every communication taking place in the classroom. I believe that this very good environment for their language learning.
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