Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Contemporary International System Free Essays
The Contemporary International System The structure of the contemporary universal framework includes a wide range of elements that impact how the world works today. The universal framework is characterized as the investigation of the collaborations among the different on-screen characters that take an interest in global governmental issues, including states, worldwide associations, nongovernmental associations, sub-national elements, and people. The investigation of universal relations means to assess how nations collaborate inside the political and social global framework. We will compose a custom article test on The Contemporary International System or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Factors, for example, mechanical change, movements of national force and different changes in the earth impact today’s framework and how we live on an everyday premise. History is another factor that must be perceived in the forming of the world framework. Occasions that happened in the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years have an extraordinary effect today, as we can make future projections dependent on recorded patterns. The activity and structure of the universal framework includes different social and political variables that shape the world we live in today. The molding of the contemporary framework was accomplished through the idea of globalization. This thought is regularly alluded to as the â€Å"shrinkage of the world†and has been made conceivable through the progression in present day innovation. Globalization is the procedure by which local economies, social orders, and societies have gotten coordinated through a worldwide system of political thoughts. Today, a nation’s innovative capacity is the principle marker of its capacity. Innovation legitimately influences a nation’s monetary development however advancement. This development at that point permits that nation to deliver military weapons for assurance and might lose the level of influence between states. Innovation and development can likewise decide a nation’s exchange limit, which can restrict the sum a nation can import and fare. A country with extraordinary exchange abilities will encounter universal money related streams into their nation, therefore animating financial development. Innovation gives a system to both the family member and total force among states and extraordinarily impacts the structure of the worldwide framework. For instance, on the off chance that we assess the relationship of intensity and innovation since forever, we see that the United States and Germany experienced sensational changes in their worldwide position following the second modern upset, similarly as Great Britain had following the primary mechanical unrest. These forces have since neglected to keep up their place at the front line of mechanical development, and have blurred from the global scene. Nations like Japan have been innovatively exceptional throughout the previous 50 years and have moved to the bleeding edge of the universal scene. The worldwide scene that was once overwhelmed by the United States, may have another force due to Japan’s tremendous mechanical and inventive capacities. Organizations have likewise globalized, as they are currently ready to associate with organizations abroad with the snap of a catch. Since movement has become â€Å"easy†organizations are presently ready to meet eye to eye with their worldwide accomplices all the time. There are appropriate traditions that individuals must follow while participating in outside strategic policies. For instance, the trading of business cards is a proper practice in nations like China and Japan. Remote business partners may consider it to be an indication of lack of regard in the event that one isn't instructed on the best possible traditions of that nation. The structure and activity of the worldwide framework is likewise impacted by the practices of the entertainers inside that framework. For quite a long time, the possibility of the â€Å"state†was focused upon the possibility of incorporation and avoidance. This thought turned into the highlight of national governmental issues for quite a long time and is a significant purpose behind clashes inside the framework. After the French Revolution these states were shaped on the three philosophies of authenticity, progressivism, and optimism. Karen Mingst and Jack Snyder characterize these philosophies and clarify the suppositions behind the shortcomings that lead to misinformed strategies. Authenticity ingrains a valuation for the job of intensity yet cautions that states will endure on the off chance that they exceed. The collaboration among states is an approach to expand every individual state’s security and frequently calls for â€Å"backing†during times of contention. World War II takes after a pragmatist thought as each state was attracted to battle to boost its own security. Progressivism distinguishes the potential for majority rule governments, yet additionally takes note of that vote based systems can prompt oppressive regimes and the danger of a brutal breakdown. This emerged after World War I in light of the powerlessness to control and breaking point war inside the worldwide framework. In conclusion, Idealism focuses on that a state’s values must strengthen any stable political request however perceives that there is additionally a potential for struggle. Together these three points of view structure the center of the contemporary global framework. So as to completely comprehend the contemporary global framework, we should initially comprehend the chronicled drifts in the state and worldwide framework. Universal Relations can be followed back to the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 where the cutting edge state framework was created. This organized the idea of sway, which is characterized as total and unending influence put resources into a region. This force doesn't exist in an individual, yet in a state. In this, the pioneers are restricted by divine law and are â€Å"subject to the laws of God and nature. †This conviction is as yet held today and devotees trait the authenticity of the state to the assent of the individuals. All things considered, the â€Å"people†are the key the wellspring of all political force. Taking everything into account, the contemporary universal framework was molded based on globalization, the practices of the on-screen characters inside the worldwide framework, and the assessment of recorded examples. The world is continually changing and developing toward a progressively associated populace. The far reaching utilization of online life and proceeded with propels in innovation permit the populace to associate with one another as though they were sitting in a similar room. As we push toward this new time, we should distinguish these chronicled designs so as to additionally improve our future global relations. The most effective method to refer to The Contemporary International System, Essay models
Saturday, August 22, 2020
In management of organisations, why is it important to be clear on how Essay
In the board of associations, for what reason is it imperative to be sure about how workforce culture is characterized; overseen and affected - Essay Example Culture can likewise been characterized as â€Å"the joining of the person into a network and the aggregate programming of the psyche that recognizes individuals from one known gathering from another†(Ogbonna, 1996). Culture goes about as paste and ties the socially assorted specialists together evacuating their disparities. It directs the manner in which things ought to be done in a specific workplace. In spite of the fact that there are reservations to their view, yet a greater part of the specialists are of the view that acknowledgment of a strong authoritative culture is the as a matter of first importance prerequisite of down to earth vital arranging and assumes a significant job in deciding the presentation of the association (Brown, 1998 refered to in Kemp and Dwyer, 2001, p. 78). Acknowledgment of a solid culture favors recognizable proof of representatives whose presentation includes a great deal in the accomplishment of authoritative destinations. Chiefs can for sur e, use culture as an instrument to accomplish unanimity of reactions in the representatives and join morals in the work rehearses. Smooth working requires improvement of a cognizant culture in any association. A reasonable authoritative culture incorporates autonomous offices inside an association and makes them joined together. This association procures an association upper hand over others in the market. It is difficult for the contenders to emulate such an association. Social web clarifies the manner in which a culture adjusts human conduct with regards to an association, and how the change influences the association itself. The methodologies an association puts together its arrangements with respect to are customarily protected in such authoritative archives as yearly reports. Be that as it may, the hidden characteristics of these procedures that really shape an organization’s worldview appear in the association of representatives working in the association. Without a doubt, the presumptions shaping the base of systems are so
Saturday, August 1, 2020
College Made Me A NerdAnd I Love It
College Made Me A Nerdâ€"And I Love It So heres the deal: I worked my butt off in school to get where I am today. I spent hours on end studying and took AP classes when I could. I put in a lot of effort to excel academically. Truth be told, school was hard for me. It wasnt until college that I began to love learning. Photo from Rachel Hernandez When I came to the University of Illinois, I began seeing a change in the way I viewed academics. Rather than dreading my next paper, I saw an opportunity to challenge myself. Studying became a great way to meet new people (and a great excuse to buy a pricey latte from Espresso Royale), while walking to class served as a form of exercise. The ironic part, though, was that my classes were harder than they had ever been, and my grades were better than they had ever been. There are a few different factors that contribute to the academic success I have found at the University of Illinois. First, I began studying topics that I wanted right off the bat. My freshman year was loaded with education courses, psychology, and writing workshop coursesâ€"three things I loved. General Education courses have a bad reputation, but at the University of Illinois, students are able to fulfill general education requirements from a multitude of classes. Second, my work ethic changed drastically. In high school, my days featured eight 50-minute classes followed by three hours of lacrosse practice. I was constantly over-extending myself, and my grades (and sleep schedule) suffered. Now, I masterfully juggle student teaching, my coursework, and two part time jobs. Why? There is finally enough time in my day to do all of these things. Most students have only two or three classes each day, which allows students the flexibility to explore other interests. Photo from Rachel Hernandez Last, but certainly not least, I have the support I need in all aspects of my academic life. I am lucky enough to have professors willing to go the extra mile to assist me, peers to bounce ideas off of, and an academic advisor who is unimaginably accessible. Seriously, how many college students have an advisor that knows them by name? This post is primarily for those of you who think you are not smart enough to attend the University of Illinois: get that silly idea out of your head. Anyone who is willing to put in the effort can excel here. Whoever you were in high school, leave it behind and take advantage of an opportunity to better your academic self. I did and believe me, I dont regret a thing. Rachel Class of 2020 I am studying Middle Grades Education with concentrations in Social Sciences and Literacy in the College of Education. Although I now reside in Champaign, I am originally from Vernon Hills, a Northwest suburb of Chicago.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Restriction of Immigration in the United States Essay
The Restriction of Immigration in the United States Immigration should be restricted in the United States. There are many political, social, and economic reasons why restrictions should be put on immigration. The United States Government and the welfare of its citizens are chaotic enough, without having to deal with the influx of thousands of new immigrants each year. Along with the myriad immigrants to the U.S., come just as many economic problems. Some of these problems include unemployment, crime, and education. There are numerous amounts of U.S. citizens who are currently receiving welfare benefits from the government, many of whom are immigrants. The unemployment rate has been on a steady†¦show more content†¦Some of these issues include education, communication, and assimilation. The public school systems of the U.S. today are inadequate enough, without the hassle of trying to cope with immigrants. Assuming that the immigrant children are bilingual(most of which are not), they will still have much trouble adjusting to the curriculum, and most likely will need to be taught in separate classes; this requires more teachers, space, and desperately needed money. It can not be expected of teachers, the backbone of society today, to coach all immigrants through their troubles, and set aside extra class time to the soul purpose of further explaining matters to the ignorant immigrants. A large percentage of these immigrants will drop out of high school, about 33.1% of recent immigrants. Many immigrants are also criminals. Almost eighty percent of all aliens in prison were incarcerated for drug charges. Another problem that arises from immigration is racism. The melting pot is melting down. The ethnic strife is tearing the country apart....This is destroying the social fabric of America. Its causing ethnic warfare.(Connif,24) Along with the economic and social quandaries of immigration, political obstacles must also be conquered. The amount of money spent on keeping just Mexicans out of the United States isShow MoreRelatedImmigration Restrictions Essay930 Words  | 4 Pages Total inhalation of immigration would not be a healthy choice for the United States. However, setting out for stricter laws to become a citizen is in need. There are over 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States (poll 2011). Therefore, having restrictions on immigration overall can help the economy grow, security at airports, docs, borders, and on the streets would not only lessen the illegal immigrants around the country, but supply more jobs for Americans. Illegal immigrants not onlyRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1593 Words  | 7 PagesIllegal immigration and the deployment of these undocumented inhabitants of America has been a disputed issue for decades. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Socialization Outside The Home Is Beneficial For A Child...
Although it is clear that implementing some socialization outside of the home is beneficial for a child’s social and academic development, the long-term benefits are a topic of controversy among many. Barnett (1995) found that early childhood programs can have large short-term benefits for children and sizable long-term effects on school achievement, grade retention, placement in special education, and social adjustment. He obtained these results through a study assessing 36 studies divided into two categories. In 15 of the studies, researchers developed their own child-care programs to study the effects of model programs. In the remaining 21 studies, researchers analyzed the effects of ongoing, large-scale child-care programs; in five of these studies the children attended state or local programs, five studied children who had attended Head Start and state or local programs, and 11 examined Head Start programs. Head Start is a program throughout the United States set up throu gh the department of Health and Human Services that aids low income families by providing comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services (Head Start, n.d.). Comparisons of estimated long-term effects between the model programs and large-scale programs found that the large-scale program did tend to have smaller effects, possibly due to the fact that the model programs were able to provide higher quality services and more one on one time with the children sinceShow MoreRelatedHomeschooling Is An Adequate Form Of Schooling For College1110 Words  | 5 PagesHomeschooling is a type of education which typically occurs in the home with the child’s parent or guardian serving as the primary educator. Currently, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and is considered to be one of the fastest growing segments of K-12 education in the United States. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homework 5 Solution Free Essays
Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE 1 # 1 a) Amount Realized$37,500 Basis(45,000) Real Loss(7,500) Recognized Loss$0 because personal use asset c. The real loss is $0. b) Same as (a). We will write a custom essay sample on Homework 5 Solution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like-kind exchange rules do not apply to personal-use assets c)Her recognized loss is $0. Since the form of the transaction is a theft, the recognized loss is the lesser of the adjusted basis or the fair market value of the asset, reduced by the insurance proceeds that she received (see Chapter 6). Therefore, the opportunity for the theft loss deduction on personal use property is not present in this case because the insurance proceeds received of $37,500 equal the fair market value of $37,500. #2 a. amt realized$65,000 â€Å"loss†basis 76,000 Recognized Loss(11,000) b. $0. The proceeds of $68,000 are between the gain basis of $80,000 and the loss basis of $60,000. Therefore, neither gain nor loss is recognized. #3 a. $225,000 b. $200,000 (note: only the building can be depreciated) c. $225,000 Basis for the gain is adjusted basis d. She would be better off to sell the house and buy another one. Because the house is her personal residence, she could exclude the gain on sale. Then she would be able to depreciate the new house at a higher basis #4 a. Amt. Realized$265,000 Adj Basis 175,000 Real Gain90,000 b. Recoginzed Gain is $65,000 which is the less of realized gain or boot received. c. Adjusted basis of Land| $175,000| Gain Recognized| 65,000| Boot| (65,000)| Adj Basis of Building| 175,000| . Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE 2 . #5 Amt. Realized$1,235,000 [125000 + 900000 + 210000] Less: Basis of Apt850,000 Real Gain 385,000 b. Recog Gain$335,000 Cash plus mortgage Postponed Gain$50,000 . | | Basis of Apt Bldg| $850,000| + gain recognized| 335,000| Less: Boot received| (335,000)| Basis of Office Bldg| $850,000| #6| | Cost| $200,000| Legal Fees| $21,500| Streets and Sewers| $700,000| Basis| $921,500| #7 Basis b4 casualty$10,000 Insurance proceeds 13,500 Casualty Gain3,500 Basis after insurance – #8 FIFO method used to determine which shares were sol d, therefore Tommy Is treated as having sold 100 of the shares he purchased on 10/16/06 Per Share Basis = $7500/125 shares = $ X Number of Shares Sold (100) =$ 60 6,000 per share Basis of Shares Sold Sales Procceds| 18,000| Less: Basis| (6,000)| LTCG| $ 12,000| Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE3 30. | a. | Realized gain- $9,000 [($12,000 fair market value of new asset+ $4,000 boot received)-$7,000 adjusted basis of old asset]. Recognized gain= $4,000. | | | Postponed gain= $5,000. | | | New basis= $7,000 ($12,000 fair market value of new asset- $5,000 postponed gain). | | b. | Realized loss = $1,000. | | | Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $1,000. | | | New basis= $16,000 ($15,000 fair market value of new asset+ $1,000 postponed loss). | | c. | Realized loss = $1,500. Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $1,500. | | New basis= $9,500 ($8,000 fair market value of new asset+ $1,500 postponed loss). | | d. | Realized gain= $10,000. Recognized gain = $-0-. | | | Postponed gain= $10,000. | | | New basis = $22,000 ($32,000 fair market value of new asset – $10,000 postponed| | | gain). | | e. | Realized gain = $2,000. | | | Recognized gain= $1,000. | | | Postponed gain= $1,000. | | | New b asis= $10,000 ($11,000 fair market value of new asset- $1,000 postponed gain). | | f. | Realized loss = $2,000. Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $2,000. | | | New basis= $10,000 ($8,000 fair market value of new asset+ $2,000 postponed loss). Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE4 32. a. Since the owner is an owner-investor, the taxpayer use test applies. Replacing the warehouse that is rented to various tenants with a shopping mall that is rented to various tenants in a different location qualifies as replacement property. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain $ 700,000 (470,000) $ 230,000 Recognized gain $ -0- The basis for the replacement property is: Cost Postponed gain Basis $ 700,000 (230,000) $ 470000 b. Since the owner is an owner-user, the functional use test applies. Replacing the warehouse used in his business with another warehouse in a different state which is to be used in his business qualifies as replacement property under the functional use test. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain Recognized gain $ 400,000 (300,000) $ 100,000 $ -0- The basis for the replacement property is: Cost Postponed gain Basis $ 400,000 (100,000) $ 300,000 c. Since Swallow was an owner-user of the building, the functional use test applies. Thus, Swallow’s use of the replacement property and of the involuntarily converted property must be the same. Since Swallow’s use of the four-unit apartment building is different from the use of the building in its retail business, the apartment building does not qualify as replacement property. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain Recognized gain $ 300,000 (250,000) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 The basis for the apartment building is its cost of $300,000. d. Not qualified replacement property because they are owner-users so functional-use test applies. Thus they must recognize their realized gain of $30,000 and their basis in the duplex is $200,000. How to cite Homework 5 Solution, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Savage Inequalities Essay Example
Savage Inequalities Essay Savage Inequalities How is it possible for one of the wealthiest countries in the world to have such poverty stricken areas with the living conditions of a third-world country? After reading the words of Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kola, I was given countless explanations on how deprivation of funds, opportunity and education affect a community in a negative light. The author ventured into the city of East SST. Louis, examined the environment and gave readers a first-hand observation of the people who live there. As a reader, one will get an in depth illustration on how negligent politics affect the overall condition of a city that was initially one of the most economically sound cities in America. Many years ago, E. SST. Louis was an industrialized city of great opportunity Now lays the abandoned structures that once gave the city financial stability. Kola informed the audience of how E. SST. Louis inhabitants have to succumb to the endless problems that come with living in one of the poorest cities in America, and how it affects their everyday lives. We will write a custom essay sample on Savage Inequalities specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Savage Inequalities specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Savage Inequalities specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although corrupt ileitis affect the economy and education systems of this city, adequate leadership would be of great Justice to the rehabilitation of E. SST. Louis. For many years, the corrupt politics in E. SST. Louis has heavily affected its physical appearance. From streets in need of major repair to a sewage system that is backed- up throughout the city, there seems to never be enough money to fix the infinite list of problems. After being $40 million in debt, former Governor James Thompson proposed an emergency state loan to keep city staff in the workplace. In order for the loan to go in affect, Governor Thompson requested that the current mayor resign from office. The lack of good leadership affects many of the critical responsibilities that need taken care of within the city. For some reason the funds that are designated to help maintain E. SST. Louis, somehow fall into the pockets of city officials. This is why I think that adequate leadership would serve as a solution to fix the overall problem within the city. The second leading cause for hardships and poverty in E. SST. Louis is the failing economic structure that is one of the many factors affected due to the political system. Labeled as the most distressed city in America, nearly one third of E. SST. Louis population lives on an average income of $7,500 a year. Drastic lay-offs due to financial shortages left over a thousand city workers unemployed. Consequently, due to the lay-offs many tasks in the city were left undone because of the shortages in city workers. Although E. SST. Louis appears to be a city with no opportunity for employment this has not always been the case. For many years E. SST. Louis was a very industrialized city with many opportunities for black families migrating from the southern states. Now that industrialized times have passed, and most of the plants simply disappeared, the open Jobs that once held up the economy went along with them. Education is one of the most neglected factors that affect the productivity and chances for E. SST. Louis citizens to have an equal chance of living The American but also one of the most inadequate. Some of the E. SST. Louis school districts flaws that Kola touched on included the inadequate plumbing system, out of date books, ND the under-representation of staff and administration. In other words, there is a deficit among the number of resources that is given to the school district and the physical appearance of the schools that inhabit this particular school district. Other issues were oriented toward the districts extra-curricular activities, such as worn-out football Jerseys or poor equipment. Because school is a childs training ground for life, attaining an education in E. SST. Louis school district could predict an either or future for a student. Either a student will allow a presumably unsatisfactory school district fail them, or they will rise above the inadequacies and strive for something more. Although many underlying factors affect the citizens of East SST. Louis, based off Kohls information, I think that it is the political, economic and education systems that affect them the most. Furthermore, I think that the political system is the starting domino that perpetuates problems unto the citys economic and education systems. Because the citys political power is corrupted and ran by individuals with ulterior datives, the economy is directly affected by debt. I imagine that the debt that the city collects affect the education system because of the inability to keep up with current books or refurbish the schools infrastructure. With that being said the lack in leadership plays a major part in managing the funds that should be transferred to its respective places, which obviously is not being done. From reading Kohls work the city of E. SST. Louis is in desperate need of strong leadership to dig its community out of a hole that has lasted for over 50 years.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Can I get out of taking the SAT or ACT
Can I get out of taking the SAT or ACT SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Some College say scores are not required. Does this mean you have carte blanche to get out of the SAT or ACT? Scores Not Required? When you hear that a school is â€Å"test flexible†or â€Å"doesn’t require scores,†it’s important to do some research before you assume you’re off the testing hook. Although there are technically hundreds of schools that don’t require standardized testing, many of them require some other information instead, or only exempt applicants from test scores if they meet other criteria. For example, at University of Texas at Austin, only students who are in the top 8% of their graduating class may opt not to submit scores. â€Å"Test flexible†sounds good, but all it means is that you can submit AP or IB scores instead of those from the SAT or ACT. These schools also accept SAT Subject Tests, which many consider to be more difficult than the general test. So this isn’t a huge benefit to most studentsthey’ll have to take a standardized test one way or another. You should also consider that most schools that don’t require scores do allow them, and that other applicants will probably be submitting them. For example, at Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, test scores aren’t required but 87% of applicants submit them anyway. Do you want to be in the other 13% if you don’t have to? No, you do not. More information is better, and mastering these tests shows admissions officers your strengths. Without scores, they have to assume you’re hiding a weakness. If You Did Poorly on the SAT or ACT Don’t give up! Easily the biggest mistake teenagers make in academics (and a lot of other things) is giving up. Most students who tank standardized tests are, more than anything else, confused by the format of the examand rightly so. Because the SAT and ACT have to be 100% fair and consistent, they’ve ended up with a lot of weird quirks. But for those same reasons, it can be really easy to understand these quirks (that’s what we’re here for!) and use the test to your advantage. Even beyond that, though, the SATeven though it’s trying to test reasoningactually requires a very limited skillset that can be applied in a variety of ways. SAT and ACT prep (such as PrepScholar!) can define those skills for youskills which, by the way, aren’t completely disconnected from real life. Improve your SAT score by preparing, and it’s likely you’ll improve in other academic areas as well. If You’ve Never Taken the SAT or ACT Maybe you hate tests, or you hate getting up early (every regular administration of the SAT ACT starts at 8am), or you don’t think you have the time to study. The bottom line is that, compared to your academic (and occupational) future, none of those things matter. Let’s say you apply to 3 schools, and the most prestigious one, Bowdoin College in Maine, doesn’t require the SAT or ACT. Only 15% of applicants in 2012 chose not to submit scores, and you are one of those. Although your application will still be considered, it is inherently less broad than those of the other 85% of applicants. Let’s say you don’t get in, and you end up at your second choice school instead. After 4 years of coursework there, no matter how well you do, you still won’t have a diploma from Bowdoin. The prestige associated with a more selective school, not to mention the potentially higher quality education, will serve you for the rest of your life. What’s 40 hours of studying compared to that? The Bottom Line No matter how you feel about the SAT or ACT, or even whether you’ll use them in your applications, you should take them and see how you do. If you don’t kill it, do some prep and try againit’s worth the effort, no matter where you apply. Liked this article? Subscribe to updates on the right! We promise never to sell your email.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Best Chemistry Quotes
Best Chemistry Quotes This is a collection of chemistry quotes, relating to the science of chemistry or quotations from chemists about chemistry. Marie Curie â€Å"Scientist believe in things, not in persons†Robert B. Laughlin I also taught myself how to blow glass using a propane torch from the hardware store and managed to make some elementary chemistry plumbing such as tees and small glass bulbs. Roald Hoffmann I am a teacher, and I am proud of it. At Cornell University I have taught primarily undergraduates, and indeed almost every year since 1966 have taught first-year general chemistry. James W. Black I did help to set up an undergraduate course in medicinal chemistry and made progress in modeling and analyzing pharmacological activity at the tissue level, my new passion. Michael Polanyi And the actual achievements of biology are explanations in terms of mechanisms founded on physics and chemistry, which is not the same thing as explanations in terms of physics and chemistry. William Standish Knowles At Harvard, I majored in chemistry with a strong inclination toward math. Kenichi Fukui But the nature of my main work in chemistry can be better represented by more than 280 English publications, of which roughly 200 concern the theory of chemical reactions and related subjects. Adam Sandler Chemistry can be a good and bad thing. Chemistry is good when you make love with it. Chemistry is bad when you make crack with it. Frederick Soddy Chemistry has been termed by the physicist as the messy part of physics, but that is no reason why the physicists should be permitted to make a mess of chemistry when they invade it. Dennis Rodman Chemistry is a class you take in high school or college, where you figure out two plus two is 10, or something. Kenichi Fukui Chemistry itself knows altogether too well that - given the real fear that the scarcity of global resources and energy might threaten the unity of mankind - chemistry is in a position to make a contribution towards securing a true peace on earth. Antonio Perez Digital imaging is as much about chemistry as it is about semiconductors. Rudolph A. Marcus During my McGill years, I took a number of math courses, more than other students in chemistry. Tony Wilson Every band needs its own special chemistry. And Bez was a very good chemist. Donald Cram Few scientists acquainted with the chemistry of biological systems at the molecular level can avoid being inspired. Richard Ernst However, I survived and started to read all chemistry books that I could get a hand on, first some 19th century books from our home library that did not provide much reliable information, and then I emptied the rather extensive city library. John Pople I abandoned chemistry to concentrate on mathematics and physics. In 1942, I travelled to Cambridge to take the scholarship examination at Trinity College, received an award and entered the university in October 1943. Sydney Brenner I also became interested in chemistry and gradually accumulated enough test tubes and other glassware to do chemical experiments, using small quantities of chemicals purchased from a pharmacy supply house. Knute Rockne I enjoy talking to my football men and my chemistry classes and I feel sure that they are quite interested in what I have to say. Steve Blake I fell in love with Scotland and made good friends here, so I stayed after graduating with Honours in Chemistry. John Tesh I grew up wanting to be a musician, but my parents were sure I would starve to death. So, they put me in physics and chemistry. That eventually blew up, and I got into radio. Robert Huber I learned easily and had time to follow my inclination for sports (light athletics and skiing) and chemistry, which I taught myself by reading all textbooks I could get. Maya Lin I really enjoyed hanging out with some of the teachers. This one chemistry teacher, she liked hanging out. I liked making explosives. We would stay after school and blow things up. Martin Lewis Perl I was also interested in chemistry, but my parents were not willing to buy me a chemistry set. George Andrew Olah I was invited to join the newly established Central Chemical Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1954 and was able to establish a small research group in organic chemistry, housed in temporary laboratories of an industrial research institute. Burton Richter In 1948 I entered the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, undecided between studies of chemistry and physics, but my first year convinced me that physics was more interesting to me. John E. Walker In 1960, I went to St. Catherines College, Oxford, and received the B.A. degree in Chemistry in 1964. Jon Postel In a chemistry class there was a guy sitting in front of me doing what looked like a jigsaw puzzle or some really weird kind of thing. He told me he was writing a computer program. Paul D. Boyer In marked contrast to the University of Wisconsin, Biochemistry was hardly visible at Stanford in 1945, consisting of only two professors in the chemistry department. James Rainwater In my schooling through high school, I excelled mainly in chemistry, physics and mathematics. Jack Steinberger In the evenings I studied chemistry at the University of Chicago, the weekends I helped in the family store. George E. Brown, Jr. Industrial opportunities are going to stem more from the biological sciences than from chemistry and physics. I see biology as being the greatest area of scientific breakthroughs in the next generation. Wilhelm Ostwald It has pleased no less than surprised me that of the many studies whereby I have sought to extend the field of general chemistry, the highest scientific distinction that there is today has been awarded for those on catalysis. H. L. Mencken It is now quite lawful for a Catholic woman to avoid pregnancy by a resort to mathematics, though she is still forbidden to resort to physics or chemistry. Edward Thorndike Just as the science and art of agriculture depend upon chemistry and botany, so the art of education depends upon physiology and psychology. John Pople Leaving England was a painful decision, and we still have some regrets about it. However, at that time, the research environment for theoretical chemistry was clearly better in the U.S. Auguste Comte Men are not allowed to think freely about chemistry and biology: why should they be allowed to think freely about political philosophy? Camille Paglia Modern bodybuilding is ritual, religion, sport, art, and science, awash in Western chemistry and mathematics. Defying nature, it surpasses it. Kenneth G. Wilson My father was on the faculty in the Chemistry Department of Harvard University; my mother had one year of graduate work in physics before her marriage. Geoffrey Wilkinson My first introduction to chemistry came at a quite early age through my mothers elder brother. Rudolph A. Marcus My interest in the sciences started with mathematics in the very beginning, and later with chemistry in early high school and the proverbial home chemistry set. Michael Polanyi No inanimate object is ever fully determined by the laws of physics and chemistry. Thomas Huxley Nothing can be more incorrect than the assumption one sometimes meets with, that physics has one method, chemistry another, and biology a third. Johannes P. Muller Physiology is the science which treats of the properties of organic bodies, animal and vegetable, of the phenomena they present, and of the laws which govern their actions. Inorganic substances are the objects of other sciences, - physics and chemistry. Paul Berg That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Peter Hook The chemistry involved made everything Factory did quite special. Derek Harold Richard Barton The first serious applications were in triterpenoid chemistry. Paul Dirac The fundamental laws necessary for the mathematical treatment of a large part of physics and the whole of chemistry are thus completely known, and the difficulty lies only in the fact that application of these laws leads to equations that are too complex to be solved. Charles Babbage To those who have chosen the profession of medicine, a knowledge of chemistry, and of some branches of natural history, and, indeed, of several other departments of science, affords useful assistance. Jeremy Rifkin We were making the first step out of the age of chemistry and physics, and into the age of biology. Tim Hardaway You have to look at how chemistry develops. Johannes Vilhelm Jensen The grounding in natural sciences which I obtained in the course of my medical studies, including preliminary examinations in botany, zoology, physics, and chemistry, was to become decisive in determining the trend of my literary work. Dixie Lee Ray The organic material, as the laws of chemistry state, can neither be created nor destroyed.
Monday, February 17, 2020
What are the strengths and weaknesses of an artificial kidney based on Essay
What are the strengths and weaknesses of an artificial kidney based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells - Essay Example In the search for alternative treatment of such diseases, kidney transplant emerged as the most viable option, which has been applied extensively. Nevertheless, despite kidney transplant being a successful option, the costs and the difficulty in finding the kidneys for transplant has promoted another alternative search, this time that entails the application of artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells. This alternative is being widely studied and experimented, since it has shown some rays of hope that it might emerge as a viable alternative for addressing the problem. The discovery of this bio-artificial kidney has shown some potential of saving the life of people who have acute renal failures (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The study undertaken with 10 patients with acute kidney problems indicated that the artificial kidney that is based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells, is well tolerated by the adult human body, and has the potential of improving their conditions (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). However, despite this ray of hope, there is a need to understand how the bio-artificial kidney operates. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate the viability of the bio-artificial kidney, with a view to understand the advantages and disadvantages of its application. First, the strength of this bio-artificial kidney is, that it will be the first device of its kind to be implanted inside the body of humans, as opposed to the use of dialysis machines, which are connected to the body externally, and are used to filter the body waste mechanically (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). Therefore, this device eliminates all the inconvenience that are involved in mechanical removal of wastes from the body, considering that the device will be implanted inside the body of a patient, and thus will be performing continuously, as does the normal kidney (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The mechanical removal of human waste is associated with a lot of challenges. Most fundamental is t he fact that; the patient is not continuously involved in the removal of body wastes, but has to do it occasionally as programmed through the use of the dialysis machine. This puts the patients at a higher health risk, since the wastes may accumulate at a rate that was not anticipated by the physician, and thus cause the intoxication of the human body, while he/she still awaits the mechanical removal of wastes (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). It is in this consideration that the artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells, is found to be advantageous, since it works like a normal kidney, without the need for programmable removal of kidney wastes. The application of this bio-artificial kidney eliminates the need to locate a patient close to a dialysis center, while also removing the need for them to undergo the extremely consuming procedure. The other strength associated with the use of the artificial kidney, based on the use of proximal convoluted tubule cells is that ; this artificial kidney is developed using the normal biological kidney cells (Fawcett, 2004 n.p.). The kidney is made up of a cartridge that is lined up with renal proximal tubule cells, which helps the kidney to operate like it was a normal kidney. This is because, the cells performs the most vital functions of the kidney, which is the filtration and separation of the kidney waste components from the vital electrolytes, salt, glucose and water, which are essential for the normal body functioning (Boyle, 2010 n.p.). Therefore, the artificial kidney prevents the loss of most important components of the blood system, which would otherwise have been lost through the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Time series analysis of stock price Research Proposal
Time series analysis of stock price - Research Proposal Example 6). Stock refers to a fraction of ownership of a company by a person. It is a subdivision of a company’s capital that is sold to interested investors for capital generation. Based on the terms of the sale, stock, also known as shares are transferable at timely market prices (Borrowski, p. 3). Capital market is a network in which shares are sold. It consists of companies that issue the stock, the stocks to be traded and the investors who buy or sell the stock at a particular time (Borrowski, p. 3). This research proposal has been motivated by the increasing essence of capital markets in economies and has further been facilitated by the perception that statistics can be used to understand factors in stock prices such as trend and seasonality. The paper with this respect seeks to conduct a time series analysis of stock prices in the New York Stock Exchange market. It will explore some of the factors that affect stock prices and in light with analysis of stock prices of listed companies in a sector, move to investigate possible factors that affects trend and seasonality factors of stock prices in the financial sector’s New York Stock Exchange market. The stock exchange markets, as a forum for buying and selling of shares of companies operates like the normal markets in terms of financial implications of transactions. This means that among other factors, buyers and sellers engage in transactions with the aims of either buying the shares for as low costs as possible or selling them at as high prices as possible. Forces of demand and supply, subject the perceived financial position of particular companies that owns the shares, therefore influences the prices of shares over time. Stock prices are therefore expected to be on high demand when investors predicts higher stability and returns from investing in the issuing company. Similarly, factors that would affect the ability of investors to spend in the capital market will also generally dictate the trend
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Effect of globalisation on fast food industry
Effect of globalisation on fast food industry As mentioned earlier in part 1.3, I will be using Porters Five Forces to analyse the external environment to obtain a comprehensive understanding of a given industry. My focus here will be the fast food industry. BK is my chosen company to evaluate the effect of globalisation has upon fast food industry. The analysis will be done in four areas as below and there may be some overlapping of points as they can be interrelated. Section 3.1 Threat of new entrants Section 3.2 Threat of substitutes Bargaining power of customers Section 3.3 Bargaining power of supplier Section 3.4 Rivalry among existing competitors To aid understanding in this analysis, charts and diagrams drawn using Microsoft Excel is provided. 3.1 Threat of new entrants There are six major sources identified as barriers to a market entry which include economies of scale, product differentiation, capital requirement, switching cost, access to channels of distribution and government policy (Porter, 1980). All these have had impact on BK especially as from the point of view of globalisation. 3.1.1 Capital Requirement In my observation, it is very possible to open one or two outlets but to globally have a chain of outlets with the same branding requires tremendous capital requirements. Thus globalisation has directly impacted BK in the way it structured its business model through franchising. BK could afford to do so as with agreements such as US- Canada Free Trade Agreement and North American Free Trade Agreement (Reference for Business, 2010). BK took advantage of the relative free flow of resources under globalisation to expand globally. Franchising is a relative low cost and low risk business model. Most of the US franchisors often use this method to enter a new market with diverse economical, cultural and political environment (Alon, 2006). For instance, 88% of BKs restaurants worldwide are franchised in fiscal 2009, contributing to $412.5 millions of total revenue globally (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). Franchising enables the business to develop in an unfamiliar market relatively quickly on a larger scale, allows the use of local partners who are familiar with local environment and also to create a standardised, global brand image, generating marketing economies of scale (McDonald et al., 2002). Charts below will provide further information on BKs franchise restaurants. Chart 1: Percentage of BKs Franchise Restaurants and Company Restaurants Worldwide ( Burger King Holdings Inc.,2009; SEC Info, 2007) Chart 2: Revenue Breakdown From BKs Total Revenue Worldwide (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009) However with globalisation, competition is globalised and relentless. McDonalds is actually BKs largest competitor as it provides better menu variety with more valuable and affordable prices (CNN.com, 2009), biting into BKs revenue by securing a larger market share. McDonalds is also more a pioneer compared to BK because it opened its first restaurant in 1940 (Spiritus-temporis.com, 2005) compared to BK with its first restaurant in 1954 (WikiAnswers, 2010). Being a pioneer, McDonalds has many advantages which includes entrenchment of position in consumers minds, creating higher thresholds for later entrants in terms of quality, advertising and distribution support, enjoys long-term market share advantages and reputation benefits (Gass et al.,2003). It is the effect of globalisation where McDonalds has built around 32,000 outlets in more than 117 countries (McDonalds Corporation, 2010). With its expansion into international markets, the company is famous throughout the world and is the leader in this industry followed by BK only at second place. The difference in number of outlets worldwide which also translates into sales volume differences between these two fast food chain can be seen clearly in the diagrams below. Chart 3: The total number of restaurants worldwide for BK and McDonalds. ( Burger King Holdings Inc.,2009; McDonalds Corporation, 2009) Chart 4: Comparison of Sales Revenues Between BK and McDonalds (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009, McDonalds Corporation 2007; 2009, SEC Info, 2007) Based on the charts, McDonalds is approximately 3 times larger than BK in terms of outlet and 10 times larger in terms of sales revenues. Substantial capital is also needed in terms of advertising to build up BKs brand. The advertising cost of McDonalds is approximately 8 times higher than BK thus creating a higher barrier entry when BKs brand name is lacking compared to McDonalds. To compete with McDonalds, BK needs more capital to increase its advertising as it is very much needed in globalisation to introduce BK in new markets and building up its image that they may otherwise not known about (Coulter, 2001). To ease comparison of the advertising cost, it is illustrated in chart below. Chart 5: Advertising cost of BK compared to McDonalds (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009; SEC Info, 2007; McDonalds Corporation, 2007;2009) With these type of cost outlays, for other competitors to come into the same scale as these two companies is extremely daunting indeed, thus the threat of entrants is low, though for smaller players is possible to find niches that are under or not exploited as yet. Luckily the advertising costs have resulted in branding, which builds a better image globally and flows ultimately into higher sales and profitabililty. Table below provides Best Global Brand Ranking 2009 highlighting few of BKs major competitors and where BK succeeded in positioning its brand among top 100 in year 2009. 2009 rank 2008 rank brand country of origin sector 2009 brand value ($m) 6 8 united states restaurant 32275 61 64 united states restaurant 5722 79 81 united states restaurant 3876 90 85 united states restaurant 3263 93 new united states restaurant 3233 Table 1: Best Global Brand Ranking 2009 (Interbrand, 2009) It is clear that BK lags behind McDonalds though in many ways this is to be expected given its much lower advertising cost outlays, which besides outlet costs, form a significant barrier of entry as mentioned earlier. 3.1.2 Product Differentiation With globalisation, BK differentiates itself from other fast food giants by acknowledging culture and country specific needs. For instances, Pork-based Bulgogi Burgers are offered in korea and the ultra-spicy Rendang Double in Singapore (Wikipedia, 2010). Picture 1: Pork based Bulgogi Burger Picture 2: Rendang Double (flickr.com, 2008 ) (therealnurulle.blogspot.com, 2010) BK also keeps its promise of Have it your way with customers having 221184 possible ways of ordering a Whopper meal (Swabey, 2007). This will help to ease its penetration into new market with different local conditions. BKs response to globalisation is obviously to cater to local tastes, as the pictures above testify. Another response to globalisation has been the move towards becoming more healthy by offering healthier menu with less salt and also with its product innovation to provide food with higher nutrition contents. At all times, BK is trying to differentiate itself to meet customers demands. Further details regarding food offerings will be mentioned in later part. 3.2 Threat of Substitutes and Bargaining Power of Customers Various global fast food chains have successfully make inroads in diverse market settings around the world (Watson, 2006). These restaurants stand the most conspicuous symbol of globalisation and modernity in countries worldwide (Wilk, 2006). Hence, they are often viewed as the cutting edge of emerging global consumer culture which have caused societies worldwide to become increasingly homogeneous and deterritorialised (Friedman, 2000). Although the expansion of Western quick-service eateries outside America and Europe has done much to transform established notions of service, taste and lifestyle (Schlosser et al., 2001), their spread has also given rise to rival domestic chains whose extensive knowledge of local preferences offers real advantages in attracting and retaining customers (Matejowsky, 2008). It is the strong bargaining power of customers which intensify the competition among various food chains with more substitutes available. To deal with these forces on a global basis, BK resorted to differentiate itself through innovative marketing and menu items. 3.2.1 Innovative Marketing BK has adopted a strategy which helps to differentiate them from their competitors. The company appointed TMP Worldwide Advertising Communications to create an exclusive company-wide employer branding campaign based on the concept Fun with a Future which concentrates on brand recognition, employee engagement and delivering on brand promise. BK decided to differentiate itself through its product and people with its employee as brand ambassador where all employees at all levels are linked to the company brand featuring in BKs advertisements and posters (Business and Finance Week, 2008). This is in line with the concept of globalisation where people of different races, culture and family background will have a common global identification as BKs brand ambassador. Pictures below feature BK employees who are of different races and cultures. Picture 3: Employees of BK in Tokyo Picture 4: Employees of BK in U.S. (associatedcontent.com, 2010) (farsons.com, 2010) BK also uses a creative marketing strategy by building an edgy, hip image with young men, who are targeted consumers (Jargon, 2006). For instance, in November 2006, BK began offering BK Xbox and Xbox 360 games with their value meals. After one month, 20 million of BK Xbox games had been sold. The games could only be bought with a value meal which means that BK attracted a lot of customers with this promotion, earning a nice profit from it. Comparing with BK, McDonalds on the other hand only places Nintendo mascot toys in their Happy Meals (Mattie, 2007). A picture of both BK Xbox and McDonalds Nintendo toys can be seen below. Picture 5: Burger King Xbox Picture 6: McDonalds Nintendo Toy ( blogs.ft.com, 2006) (toadcastle.net, 2006) The successfulness of BKs innovative marketing was already proven in 1999 in a TV campaign where Whopper was proclaimed as Americas Favourite Burger. That claim was based on the result of a research where 700 consumers were asked to name their favourite burger. 33% of them picked Whopper and only 12% chose McDonalds Big Mac (Cebrzynski, 1999). Having innovative marketing is a response to the threat of substitutes and bargaining power of customers as BK tries to embed itself on consumer consciousness globally. 3.2.2 Menu Options and Changes BK tries to reach out more customers through its menu to reduce threat of substitutes, which of course with globalisation is a full time and relentless force. As mentioned in part 3.1, health consciousness was rising among people with the obesity crisis hitting globally. It was found that United States tops the hierarchy for obesity with 30.6%, followed by Mexico and United Kingdom with 24.2% and 23% (NationMaster.com, 2010). Even though BK tries to blunt customers bargaining power and the threat of substitutes through aggressive marketing as seen above, in truth they are obviously much stronger with no switching cost. New Products Thus a response from BK is to try to be almost all things to customers. For instance, provide healthier food options. The company in its social responsibility statement promises to work with its trained chefs and nutritionist to develop new menu options that meet customers nutritional needs globally (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2010a). BKs efforts could be seen when it unveiled a healthy eating adaptation of its Have It Your Way strategy where posters in restaurants tell customers how to order a low carbohydrate, low fat and low calorie meal (Walker, 2004). The famous Whopper can also be served without the bun, mayonnaise and ketchup (MacArthur, 2004). BK also launched a new salad line offering shrimp and sirloin steak with grilled peppers and onions on it (Walker, 2004). Besides, health drive was initiated by BK by reducing salt and fat content in burgers and fries. Even children are targeted where childrens menu also comes with a choice of apples or grapes, milk or fruit juice (Forte, 2006). In 2008, BKs kids meal underwent makeover with the introduction of apple fries as part of the meal (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2010b). A list of BKs healthier options with their calorie contents are provided in Appendix 3. Pictures below show two healthy options from BK. Picture 7: Kids meal with Apple Fries Picture 8: Bunless Whopper (fastfood.ocregister.com, 2009) (hungry-girl.com, 2010) In addition, BK also later launched its Joe Coffee. This made-to-order coffee processed from 100% Arabica coffee beans (The Franchise Mall, 2005). This is actually a response to global economic crisis where it was found that consumers were trading down from more expensive coffee such as starbucks into lower ranking choices, providing a perfect option for BK. Thus even though globally the economic situation was dire, for instance it was found that 2009s world economic growth rate was only half percent (International Monetary Fund, 2009). BK found a new market segment to exploit to further reduce the threat of substitutes and bargaining power of customers. Latest initiatives include where in February year 2010, BK decided to replace its own coffee brand BK Joe with Seattles Best Coffee, a brand owned by Starbucks to increase falling sales by improving its product offerings (Tice, 2010). Pictures below show BKs Joe Coffee and its replacement, Seattles Best Coffee. Picture 9: BK Joe Coffee (ebay.com, 2010) Picture 10: Seattles Best Coffee (myalohavibe.com, 2010) BK also imitated a McDonalds breakfast item. BKs Breakfast Muffin Sandwich was promoted through an advertisement where a cleverly disguised BK breaks into McDonalds Headquarters to steal the Top Secret Blueprints for the Sausage McMuffin With Egg (Dave, 2010). Picture below shows the contrast between the two breakfast offering from McDonalds and BK. Picture 11: McDonalds Sausage McMuffin with Egg Vs BKs breakfast Muffin (davescupboard.blogspot.com, 2010) New Pricing It is not just menu changes were offered but also menu pricing as well. To meet the changing economic conditions as an impact of global recession, BK also announced that it will offer $1 double cheeseburger in order to gain market share back from McDonalds (Johnson, 2007). This has cause BKs franchisees to file a law suit challenging BKs right to dictate maximum prices as the products costs is at least $1.10 per sandwich (Glover, 2009). Thus even though BK tries to satisfy customers other stakeholders may not be happy, showing the complexities in managing relationships in the era of globalisation. Further in many ways, as seen in breakfast, and even in pricing, since the RM $1 cheeseburger, BK is imitating McDonalds. 3.3 Bargaining power of suppliers With globalisation, BK is required to maintain the quality of services in its restaurants worldwide. As a measure of quality control, BK will evaluate before approving the existing or potential manufacturers and distributors of food, packaging and equipment products used in the restaurants. Evaluation is done based on their delivery, timeliness and financial conditions. To ensure consistency, franchises are required to purchase their products from approved suppliers. (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). 3.3.1 Purchasing Power of BK Restaurant Services Inc. (RSI), a not-for-profit independent purchasing cooperative leverages purchasing power of the BK system in United States by negotiating the purchase terms for most equipments, food, beverages, toys and paper products used in the restaurants (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). RSI currently involves in the negotiation of purchase with BK for more than $3 billion a year in goods and services, managing supply agreements with over 300 suppliers and 27 distributors (Sterlingcommerce, 2009). For company restaurants and franchise restaurants in Canada, a subsidiary of RSI is responsible to purchase the products. However, there is currently no appointed purchasing agent that represents franchisees in other international regions. BK will work closely with their franchisees to implement programs that leverage their global purchasing power and to obtain lower product costs outside the United States and Canada. (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). Globalisation has increased the purchasing power of BK and therefore reducing bargaining power of suppliers with the ease of selection of suppliers who meet the company criteria 3.3.2 Suppliers of BK Food As a global fast food chain, it is important for BK to maintain its brand name worldwide. The image of the global brand could be destroyed in a day due to globalisation where news travels billion times faster than it used to be in the past. BK was labelled Murder King by animal activists forcing the company to implement new policies that are more closely monitor its suppliers. Thus by 2001, there were guidelines that require the egg suppliers battery cages to contain two water bottles, allowing the birds to stand upright and be at least 75 square inches (Detweiler, 2001). BK further discourages its suppliers from trimming chickens beak and breaking their wings to save packing space when transporting (Detweiler, 2001). Reports in media of one or more cases of food-borne diseases in one of BKs restaurant also negatively affect its sales worldwide when being highly publicised (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). During an earlier case in year 1997, BK cut off its ties with one of its biggest beef supplier, Hudson Foods Inc. as its beef supplies were contaminated with E.coli..Hudson voluntarily recalled the beef after the severity of E.coli contamination was discovered at its plant in Columbus, leaving some BK restaurants without sufficient beef supply for 24 hours to 48 hours (Papernik et al., 1997). Soft Drinks In fiscal 2000, BK decided to enter into a long term contracts with The Coca-Cola Company and Dr Pepper/Seven-Up Inc to supply all restaurants of BK in United States with their product (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). BK prolonged its long term liaison with The Coca-Cola Company as an approved soft drink supplier for its international region covering Greater Europe, Latin America and Asia-Pacific (PRNewswire, 2003). With the effect of globalisation, consumers in around 200 countries enjoy Coca-Cola products of more than 1 billions servings per day (The Coca-Cola Company, 2010). BK International President believes that with this renewed alliances, Coca-Cola Company, recognised as the worlds best known brand (The Coca-Cola Company, 2010) will help to grow the BK brand rapidly by providing the best burger experience to their consumers in all restaurants globally (PRNewswire, 2003). Getting into alliances with suppliers is a good way to also set up higher barriers of entry. From my analysis, bargaining power of food suppliers are strong but over soft drinks especially in terms of dealing with companies with strong brand name is weaker. Obviously, the extent to which the other party uses branding and distribution network as leverage globally as well. Employees Other than external suppliers, internal supplier is also an important piece of puzzle which without, BKs supplier network would not be complete. Hence, the bargaining power of its employees should not be shoved aside. BK had approximately 41320 employees in its company restaurants, field management offices and global headquarters as at 30th June 2009 (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). As mentioned in part 3.2.1, there are diversity of employees with different backgrounds, race, religion and cultures. It is clear that like globalisation, the factors in Porters Five Forces are interlinked and do not stand alone. The success of BK is highly dependent on its ability to attract general managers with necessary competences to be part of the management team to motivate the employees to sustain high service levels and maintain sales growth. The competition for the right employee candidates causes higher payment of wages featuring the high bargaining power of employees (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009). However, where boundaries between countries became narrower and communication made easier with globalisation, the search for the right employee is more efficient and effective through online application, which could perhaps reduce their bargaining power. The selection of employees is important as a wrong choice would lead to negative publicity. In one of the cases, a BK employee in Jacksonville had tried to poison a customer as he was pissed due to his suspension for misconduct (Morbid, 2010). In another case, a Washington State Deputy, Edward Bylsma after discovering a spit on his Whopper ordered fr om a BK employee decided to sue BK seeking $75,000 of compensation (Ryan, 2010). No doubt with globalisation, these news would definitely spread fast and adversely impact the companys brand. Further, since a large portion of outlets are franchised as a result of BKs decision on this bus model to move globally, employees become even more important as front link assets to keep sales and profits up. With payroll expenses on the increase as seen in the chart below, it is clear that for employees, their bargaining power is, in my opinion, rated medium to high. Chart 6: Payroll and Employee Benefits for BK ( Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009) 3.4 Rivalry among Existing Competitors Globalisation has increased the competition among the fast food chain. With various quick service restaurants mushrooming worldwide, other than competing on a national or regional basis, they are competing with each other globally. As an effect of globalisation causing increases in degree of awareness among consumers, there has been intense competition among the competitors globally to gain market share. Increasing prices of raw material, agitation by social organisations, slow down of U.S economy and also increasing fuel prices has prompt many fast food chain to divert their attention to eastern part of the world especially China ( Naim, 2008). Although globalisation has ease the expansion of fast food chain worldwide with the ease of information transfer and seeking global suppliers, entry into China and other Asian countries still pose logistical and political challenges. As quoted from Martin (1994) in Nation Restaurants news Among the most frustrating obstacles are the scarcity and inordinately high cost of prime locations in most markets as well as the steep tariffs and patchwork of inconsistent regulations that impede imports of commodities and equipment. 3.4.1 New Geographical Regions and New Ventures Taking a closer look, even though globalisation has blurred boundaries, there are still differences in cultural issues between United States and other countries resulting in different eating habits of consumers ( Glazer, 2007). From consumer point of view, globalisation has resulted from development of sophisticated media contributing to the creation of a borderless market but it does not mean it is without internal differences or local tastes (Ziedman, 2003). When a company goes global, they are bound to satisfy the demands of local customers. For example in India, cows are sacred and worshipped by the Indians, beef could not be served and the muslims, they could not consume pork (Kulkarni et al., 2009). Hence, it is a must to substitute the beef and pork in the product offerings. To further compete globally, BK invested in Whopper Bars. BK opened their first Whopper Bar in Orlando during spring 2009, and the first in Asia in Singapore during September 2009 (International Wire, 2009). It offers a specialised burger menu with more than 20 toppings (Ruggles, 2010). On 8th February 2010, BK further announced that beer sales will be added at a new unit opening in South Miami. ( Ruggles, 2010). BK changes may not be rapid enough to obtain further market share from McDonalds but the company has been spending more effort in improving its sales in this global competition ( Anderlini et al., 2010). Competing on a global scale gives rise to global income streams. This would help BK to sustain the worldwide competition where the profit from a restaurant would balance the loss in another. The pie charts below show the distribution of revenue from different geographical region. Chart 6: BKs Geographical Sales from Year 2007-Year 2009 (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009) In a way, the company is more dependent on its home market, as showed in the pie chart above where most portion of global stream income is generated. In a recent case in 2009, BKs advertisement for Texican Whopper burger in Europe had angered the Mexicans where a small wrestler featured in the advertisement was dressed in a cape resembling a Mexican flag. Mexicans have high respect for their flag and therefore could not tolerate such an insult from BK ( The Assiociated Press, 2009). This adverse publicity could have adversely impact its profits. Still, the company had not done unduly badly as seen in the charts below. Chart 7: Revenue, Gross Profit and Net Profit of BK from Year 2005 2009 (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009, SEC Info, 2007) It is clear that BK has done well as seen in increasing absolute figures of all sales, gross profit and net profit. A look at gross profit and net profit margin also shows that on a relative basis the company is handling itself well in the world of globalisation. Chart 8: Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin of BK from Year 2005- 2009 (Burger King Holdings Inc., 2009, SEC Info, 2007) Even though Gross Profit Margin has been decreasing slightly, its net profit margin has been increasing with a drastic improvement from year 2006 to 2007. This is definitely a good sign. 3.5 Conclusion and Recommendation Globalisation can be a threat to the company and also it may help its expansion. Being a global brand, BK has a lot benefits which include cost-efficiencies, sharing of resources and ability to attract partners, employees and customers on entering new market. It all depends how the company took opportunities and work towards their goals. Management of globalisation is the key to success and most importantly, BK need to balance between global and local control (Samli, 2008). The company has retreated back to the US market, which is why the share prices have been sliding back down in recent times as seen below. Chart 9 : BKs Share Price Ups and Downs from 2001 till 2010 ( Yahoo Finance, 2010) Recommendations made to companys performance are as follows: Moving In Developing countries, Especially India and China Aggressively: India and China both has a steady high economic growth rates of 8.8% and 10% in 2010 (India Brand Equity Foundation, 2010) and will probably be the major players in the world economy. It is definitely a wise option to expand BKs growth in these two countries by using local partners, local employees and local ingredients. Furthermore, BK could also offer limited promotions during festive seasons or special events, for instance during Chinese New Year or Deepavali as this will help to attract more customers during that period. Broader Menu Selection: As mentioned earlier in the project, BK should continuously provide more choices of menu which allow customers to pick from wider choices. This step should be taken to also reduce threat of substitutes from new entries and existing competitors. Its product offerings must also be ensured to meet the local taste. As mentioned by the officials of market research firm of the NPD Group, quick service operators who are expanding their brands outside the United States must customise each unit to meet the specific needs of consumers in the country and region they seek to enter (Glazer, 2007). Promotions and Advertising: As observed so far, BKs advertising has been giving positive impact on its sales. Hence, BK should continuously invest in its promotions and advertisement to gain market share. BK could perhaps invite its employees to give their opinion as they are also the brand ambassadors. This would allow a fresher and a more creative in flow of idea and to boost the motivation of the employees as they are invited to participate in the companys program. However, BK should avoid price wars with its competitors ie. McDonalds as this would pull down the profits of all burger chains. BK should choose to differentiate from its competitors. There is only one winner in cost strategy but there may be more than one winner in differentiation strategy. Relationships with Franchisees: There has been cases where the franchisees are not happy with the decisions of BK Inc..The most obvious example is the sale of doublecheese burger at $1. BK should strengthen its ties with the franchisees by encouraging them to provide ideas and feedbacks on how to improve sales. When there is a disagreement between them, BK should understand the reason behind and to solve it on a win-win situation. If this could be practised, law suit against BK Inc. could be avoided. In conclusion, Porters Five Forces Analysis that was used to analyse BKs stand in the industry gives a birds eye view of the company and industry globally. Globalisation plays a major role in pushing and shaping the company. The survival of BK is dependent on its ability to adapt to constant changes in business environment due to globalisation. With BKs effort in improving its performance, it will definitely survive in this field and could perhaps be the number one fast food chain worldwide in the future.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Applications of Information Technology Essay
ABSTRACT Restaurants are built of complex systems for buying, storing, preparing and selling food. Cuban Pete’s is a popular independently owned restaurant located in Montclair, New Jersey. The restaurant offers a dynamic menu of Cuban ethnic items and has received renowned recognition. The restaurant has 285 seats  195 of them in three sprawling dining rooms and 90 on an outdoor patio decked; takes reservations only for groups of six or more; and boasts that two-hour waits not uncommon; employs 40 PTE’s and 15 FTE’s; serves 500 patrons on average a day; and generates $400K in revenue monthly. Over the past 16 months, there has been a decrease in revenue and repeat customers. Cuban Pete’s needs to improve operation efficiencies, reduce cost, decrease customer wait and sit times, increase customer satisfaction, and improve marketing. With no current automated systems, this paper will discuss how the strategic, managerial, and operational control of a small restaurant business can improve with the implementation of management information systems which coordinates everything from scheduling personnel to customer service. Systems to be discussed include Point of Sale Systems, Customer Service Management (CSM) systems, and social media for marketing and promotion. BRIEF COMPANY HISTORY Cuban Pete’s is an independently owned restaurant located in Montclair, New Jersey. It was established in 2006 and is owned by Dominick Restaino. With a history as a restaurateur and in honor of his Cuban heritage, Mr. Restaino named the restaurant after the hit 1946 Desi Arnaz films and as an establishment that would evoke the fevered, anything-goes 24-hour fiesta that was pre-Castro Havana, Cuba. Mr. Restaino hired a staff of affable waiters and dressed them in bright Cuban sport shirts and narrow-brim Panama hats. He brought in a designer, Tony Ortiz, who had the exposed-brick and distressed-plaster walls painted in tropical yellows and reds and aquas. The menu consists of tapas and entrees that top out at $16.95. Although well sought for its dynamic list of sangria offerings, Cuban Pete’s does not have an alcohol license. BUSINESS PROBLEM Restaurants are built of complex systems for buying, storing, preparing and selling food. The business problems to be solved will include a restaurants need to improve operation efficiencies, reduce cost, decrease customer wait and sit times, increase customer satisfaction, and have real-time performance monitoring. Although Cuban Pete’s has received press accolades, there business issues that need to be addressed immediately. In 2006, Mr. Restaino was arrested, pleaded guilty, and paid a fine for serving alcohol in sangria without a license. Then, the original and well-known chef, Carl Ruiz, left the in 2008 and since the team of cooks have yet to achieve the same level of customer accolades. In addition, over the past 16 months, although there has been a recessional recovery, Cuban Pete’s has not experienced an increase in business revenue and has experienced a decrease in repeat customers. Wait times are long and all reservations, seating, order processing, and reconciliations are done manually and payments are not reconciled to orders. Although the business has a website with a widget that allows visitors to be added to the company’s mailing list, there is no in-house practice of obtaining customer information, request of online customer satisfaction participation or web follow-up. Finally, most marketing and business promotion is done mostly via word of mouth and in local newspapers. Cuban Pete’s needs to improve operation efficiencies, reduce cost, decrease customer wait and sit times, increase customer satisfaction, and improve marketing. Major business problems to be resolved are: * Increase in revenue * Attract new customers * Retain and engage repeat customers * Establish practices to streamline and automate business practices With no current automated systems, Cuban Pete’s to implementation of Point of Sale Systems, Customer Service Management (CSM) systems, and social media for marketing and promotion to demonstrate better strategic, managerial, and operational control. HIGH LEVEL SOLUTION Strategic decisions are characterized by uncertainty and unstructured decision. These areas will include budgets, target markets, policies, and business objectives. Cuban Pete’s needs to implement automated systems that provide data in real-time on food items ordered and comparisons of weekly sales totals versus food costs, allowing planning for tighter cost controls. The management also needs to implement automated operational controls of specific tasks through appropriate technology such streamlining the customer transaction process including order tracking, order processing, machine control, scheduling, and compensation. Further, to experience a return on investment, increase customer satisfaction, improve the financial reporting process, and enhance strategic planning and performance monitoring efficiencies, Cuban Pete’s needs to implement a Point of Sales System and utilize social media for marketing and promotion. BENEFITS OF SOLVING THE PROBLEM Automation has its advantages. By implementing MIS, Cuban Pete’s will experience a reduction in manual labor and human error, an increase customer feedback to help waiters service the customers, and improved  capabilities for view of sales figures, menu planning, and cost accounting details. By implementing the following systems, Cuban Pete’s will attract more customers, improve wait times, streamline processes, and ultimately experience an increase in revenue and customer satisfaction. TECHNICAL APPROACH Innovation continues to improve the way companies do business. As a relatively small establishment, Cuban Pete’s needs a low-cost solution  improve business. The best way to improve business would be the implement a Point of Sales System (POS) and utilize social media channels. * POS This team suggests Revel iPad POS. Considered the cash register for the 21st century, this mobile POS software provides up-to-the-minute reporting to track the sales, orders, payments, staff and patrons in real time. There is no back-of-the-house server needed, no mandatory contracts, and no hidden fees or charges. Revel Systems’ POS System provides: * Employee Login. Each employee has a secure login that is different from managers. This allows owners to track not only when employees clock in and out but also what they do in the system. * Order Taking. The order taking process is simple; just choose your items from the categorized list and build the customer’s order. * Order Details. Details about the order, such as item voids, deletions, special requests, discounts, holds, etc. are always available. * Payment Processing. Customers can pay using all major credit cards or gift cards and choose if they want receipts e-mailed or printed. * Cook View / Expedite View. If you want to go completely paperless, orders can show up on the iPad in the Cook View rather than printed in the kitchen. An Expedite View is also available so servers can see what has been cooked and ready to be served. This POS also provides Back Office support that will improve business as well. Some of the features include: * Flexible Menu and System Configuration. Cuban Pete’s will have the ability to customize the categories and items of their menu to suit their needs. As well as tailor the layout of receipts, specify tax rates to meet local requirements, set surcharges, set discounts and much more. * Real-time Inventory Control. As items and ingredients are sold, Cuban  inventory levels will automatically be deducted and available for inventory count comparisons to quickly detect theft, loss or waste. * Employee Scheduling and Reporting. With high employee turnover and seasonal doldrums, Revel Systems provides the capability to view metrics on employee data, such as work scheduled versus work performed number of voids, discounts by employee, and employee productivity and sales volume. * Real-time Reporting and Analytics. Revel Systems provides a variety of reports to help Cuban Pete’s run business, including sales summaries, transaction details, ingredients sold, and much more. Cuban Pete’s also needs to improve and manage customer satisfaction. Revel Systems POS also provides Customer Relationship Management (CSM). This system will allow the business to acquire your customer’s e-mail addresses from e-mailed receipts and export these addresses to a spreadsheet. Other necessary technical features that this POS provides include: * Real-time Reporting. Revel Systems provides a host of reports that are instantly available and accessible from anywhere, with the ability to grant access to managers, accountants or other professionals. * Centralized Management. With an established website, Revel Systems will allow Cuban Pete’s to centrally manage and monitor business from one website. All information is captured in real-time, and will get instant visibility to track sales volume, staff productivity, and help manage business effectively and efficiently. * Cloud Computing. Data management and storage can be expensive for a small business. The Revel System POS also provides secure Cloud Computing. This System reduces the information technology burden on Cuban Pete’s business in both time and money. There is no longer a need for a back office server to store data or to worry about software upgrades and maintenance. * Payment Card Industry Compliant. But security is also a major issue of business and customers. Revel Systems is Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliant. Revel Systems built security and compliance into its products from the onset to ensure that everything from the hardware, software, and network were all PCI compliant. * SOCIAL MEDIA Social Media allows businesses to engage timely and direct end-consumer contact at relatively low cost and higher levels of efficiency than achieved with more traditional communication tools. Thus, this team suggests  Cuban Pete’s utilize standard social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, but also implement mobile social media (MSM). According to Juniper Research, the market for mobile web 2.0 evolutions will grow from $5.5B to $22.4B by 2013. MSM applications are expected to be the main driver of this evolution and are estimated to account for over 50% of the market. Further, Pew Research, a Washington, DC based think tank, estimates that by 202, a mobile device will be the primary internet connection for most people in the world. Therefore, this team suggests that Cuban Pete’s, combined with the Revel System POS, adopt a MSM application. This permit opens standards (e.g. a transition to the TCP/IP protocol) and flat-rate systems. It also allows for upgrades to Radio Frequency Identification (PFID) tags that will be able to automatically connect to mobile phones and send URLS to them, similar to text messages. BUSINESS PROCESS CHANGES Cuban Pete’s is a manual business. Although they have a website, the business relies on manpower for all of its business transactions. Customers are checked in manually – wait times are long. Waiting staff takes orders manually, paper orders are handed off to cooking staff, credit card payments are entered manually – none are aligned or reconciled to management, distributors or protect the privacy and security of customers. The business needs to improve operation efficiencies, reduce cost, decrease customer wait and sit times, increase customer satisfaction, and have real-time performance monitoring. OVERALL RECOMMENDATION Today everything is about the ability to provide business effectively and efficiently. Over Cuban Pete’s boast about long wait times as an indication of the high great the business performs, most customers want good food, access and great service as well. To do this proficiently, effectively, and in the most cost efficient manner, Cuban Pete’s needs to secure a POS and utilize social media channels. Some industry specialists claim that if business is not participating in Facebook, YouTube, and Second Life, it is not part of cyberspace anymore. Social Media allows firms to engage in timely and direct end-consumer contact at relatively low cost and higher levels of efficiency than achieved with more traditional communication tools. HIGH-LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN The technical approach involves management information software designed by POS Professionals. Revel Systems is a user friendly point of sale designed by hospitality professionals. This software was designed by end users who have worked in the bar and restaurant industry. This particular software is designed specifically with the end user in my mind. Expectations are an easy and transparent transition to the new software system. New POS system will have the following features: * HostHostess functions including reservations, waiting listguest paging * Online food ordering * One touch order split and combine * Multiple check tender Support * Visual Floor Management * Advanced CRM such as gift card, house account and frequent buyers * 100% Touch Operated Point of Sale Communication Systems and Mobile Devices. * Key Inventory system that is visible to you and suppliers. This will increase order shipment efficiency, ensure better decision making regarding scheduling, purchase orders, shipments and invoices. * Transportation tracking will give the location of shipments as they are en-route and send out alert messages when shipments are late. * Invoice visibility will allow invoices, payments, and credit arrangements and limits to be viewed with a single touch. Social Media. Sites such as Facebook Places, Four Square and Latitude give Cuban Pete’s a great opportunity to take advantage of social media. By uploading photos of the live entertainment, atmosphere and videos of satisfied customers, potential customers can gain a â€Å"live†, up and close perspective of the restaurant. We can offer customers a small discount for â€Å"checking in†at Cuban Pete’s. Just â€Å"check in†on your Facebook Page and you get $4 off your bill and or 5% off your next visit if made within 30 days. This additional exposure is marketing the restaurant without spending large sums of money on advertising. SUMMARY Cuban Pete’s needs to improve operation efficiencies, reduce cost, decrease customer wait and sit times, increase customer satisfaction, and improve marketing. With no current automated systems, by implementing strategic, managerial, and operational control this small restaurant business can improve with the implementation of management information systems which coordinates everything from scheduling personnel to customer service. Two primary systems to immediately improve business includes of a Point of Sale Systems that will automate business and include Customer Service Management (CSM), cloud computing, real-time reporting, and secure Customer Payment Industry (CPI) payments. Another means to greatly improve business would be to utilize social media for marketing and promotion. REFERENCES Corcoran, D. (2006). Crowds in Search of a Fiesta. New York Times. Retrieved from http://travel.nytimes.com/2006/08/13/travel/13njdine.html?_r=0 Draft, R.L. & Legel, R.H. (1986). Organizational information requirements, media richness, and structural design. Management Science, 32(5), 554-571 Kaplan, A. (2010). Users of the World Unite! The challenges and opportunities of social media. Business Horizons. 53, 59-68 Toffler, A. (1980). The third wave: The Classic Study of Tomorrow. New York, Bantam Books. www.cubanpetes.com
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