Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Gender Differences Between Women And Men Speak - 981 Words

â€Å"Sex Differences† is an essay written by a professor of linguistics named Ronald Macaulay. In the essay, he pointed out that there were no gender differences regarding to language development. He talked about various stereotypes about how men and women speak. He also explains in depth about how social environment made an impact on the talking between men and women. He also concluded that those linguists who still believe in that theory only continue to do so even if what they found in their research is not statistically significant. In many ways, Macaulay’s essay is persuasive. Through this essay, one would agree with him that there is no different form of language in which women and men speak. In Macaulay’s essay, he started it off by saying that there are many â€Å"nonsense† (308) regarding to language development between women and men. One example to prove his thesis was an excerpt from a Danish linguist named Otto Jespersen. The book was written in the 1920s called â€Å"Language: Its Nature, Development and Origin†. The quotation was about how women tend to speak in the ordinary way and use simple languages and follow what they learned. While men tend to speak in a difficult manner and even create new words. He also said that women response quicker than men. Men usually hesitate because he waits to respond appropriately. Macaulay argued that it is a stereotype and Jespersen should have known better because in Denmark, women are independent just like men too. AnotherShow MoreRelatedGender Differences Between Men And Women1058 Words   |  5 PagesGender differences between men and women Abstract Gender difference can be expressed in many ways. In our daily life, there are many phenomenon can be explained by gender difference. 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