Friday, May 22, 2020
The Restriction of Immigration in the United States Essay
The Restriction of Immigration in the United States Immigration should be restricted in the United States. There are many political, social, and economic reasons why restrictions should be put on immigration. The United States Government and the welfare of its citizens are chaotic enough, without having to deal with the influx of thousands of new immigrants each year. Along with the myriad immigrants to the U.S., come just as many economic problems. Some of these problems include unemployment, crime, and education. There are numerous amounts of U.S. citizens who are currently receiving welfare benefits from the government, many of whom are immigrants. The unemployment rate has been on a steady†¦show more content†¦Some of these issues include education, communication, and assimilation. The public school systems of the U.S. today are inadequate enough, without the hassle of trying to cope with immigrants. Assuming that the immigrant children are bilingual(most of which are not), they will still have much trouble adjusting to the curriculum, and most likely will need to be taught in separate classes; this requires more teachers, space, and desperately needed money. It can not be expected of teachers, the backbone of society today, to coach all immigrants through their troubles, and set aside extra class time to the soul purpose of further explaining matters to the ignorant immigrants. A large percentage of these immigrants will drop out of high school, about 33.1% of recent immigrants. Many immigrants are also criminals. Almost eighty percent of all aliens in prison were incarcerated for drug charges. Another problem that arises from immigration is racism. The melting pot is melting down. The ethnic strife is tearing the country apart....This is destroying the social fabric of America. Its causing ethnic warfare.(Connif,24) Along with the economic and social quandaries of immigration, political obstacles must also be conquered. The amount of money spent on keeping just Mexicans out of the United States isShow MoreRelatedImmigration Restrictions Essay930 Words  | 4 Pages Total inhalation of immigration would not be a healthy choice for the United States. However, setting out for stricter laws to become a citizen is in need. There are over 11.7 million illegal immigrants in the United States (poll 2011). Therefore, having restrictions on immigration overall can help the economy grow, security at airports, docs, borders, and on the streets would not only lessen the illegal immigrants around the country, but supply more jobs for Americans. Illegal immigrants not onlyRead MoreIllegal Immigration And The United States1593 Words  | 7 PagesIllegal immigration and the deployment of these undocumented inhabitants of America has been a disputed issue for decades. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Socialization Outside The Home Is Beneficial For A Child...
Although it is clear that implementing some socialization outside of the home is beneficial for a child’s social and academic development, the long-term benefits are a topic of controversy among many. Barnett (1995) found that early childhood programs can have large short-term benefits for children and sizable long-term effects on school achievement, grade retention, placement in special education, and social adjustment. He obtained these results through a study assessing 36 studies divided into two categories. In 15 of the studies, researchers developed their own child-care programs to study the effects of model programs. In the remaining 21 studies, researchers analyzed the effects of ongoing, large-scale child-care programs; in five of these studies the children attended state or local programs, five studied children who had attended Head Start and state or local programs, and 11 examined Head Start programs. Head Start is a program throughout the United States set up throu gh the department of Health and Human Services that aids low income families by providing comprehensive early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services (Head Start, n.d.). Comparisons of estimated long-term effects between the model programs and large-scale programs found that the large-scale program did tend to have smaller effects, possibly due to the fact that the model programs were able to provide higher quality services and more one on one time with the children sinceShow MoreRelatedHomeschooling Is An Adequate Form Of Schooling For College1110 Words  | 5 PagesHomeschooling is a type of education which typically occurs in the home with the child’s parent or guardian serving as the primary educator. Currently, homeschooling is legal in all 50 states and is considered to be one of the fastest growing segments of K-12 education in the United States. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Homework 5 Solution Free Essays
Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE 1 # 1 a) Amount Realized$37,500 Basis(45,000) Real Loss(7,500) Recognized Loss$0 because personal use asset c. The real loss is $0. b) Same as (a). We will write a custom essay sample on Homework 5 Solution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like-kind exchange rules do not apply to personal-use assets c)Her recognized loss is $0. Since the form of the transaction is a theft, the recognized loss is the lesser of the adjusted basis or the fair market value of the asset, reduced by the insurance proceeds that she received (see Chapter 6). Therefore, the opportunity for the theft loss deduction on personal use property is not present in this case because the insurance proceeds received of $37,500 equal the fair market value of $37,500. #2 a. amt realized$65,000 â€Å"loss†basis 76,000 Recognized Loss(11,000) b. $0. The proceeds of $68,000 are between the gain basis of $80,000 and the loss basis of $60,000. Therefore, neither gain nor loss is recognized. #3 a. $225,000 b. $200,000 (note: only the building can be depreciated) c. $225,000 Basis for the gain is adjusted basis d. She would be better off to sell the house and buy another one. Because the house is her personal residence, she could exclude the gain on sale. Then she would be able to depreciate the new house at a higher basis #4 a. Amt. Realized$265,000 Adj Basis 175,000 Real Gain90,000 b. Recoginzed Gain is $65,000 which is the less of realized gain or boot received. c. Adjusted basis of Land| $175,000| Gain Recognized| 65,000| Boot| (65,000)| Adj Basis of Building| 175,000| . Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE 2 . #5 Amt. Realized$1,235,000 [125000 + 900000 + 210000] Less: Basis of Apt850,000 Real Gain 385,000 b. Recog Gain$335,000 Cash plus mortgage Postponed Gain$50,000 . | | Basis of Apt Bldg| $850,000| + gain recognized| 335,000| Less: Boot received| (335,000)| Basis of Office Bldg| $850,000| #6| | Cost| $200,000| Legal Fees| $21,500| Streets and Sewers| $700,000| Basis| $921,500| #7 Basis b4 casualty$10,000 Insurance proceeds 13,500 Casualty Gain3,500 Basis after insurance – #8 FIFO method used to determine which shares were sol d, therefore Tommy Is treated as having sold 100 of the shares he purchased on 10/16/06 Per Share Basis = $7500/125 shares = $ X Number of Shares Sold (100) =$ 60 6,000 per share Basis of Shares Sold Sales Procceds| 18,000| Less: Basis| (6,000)| LTCG| $ 12,000| Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE3 30. | a. | Realized gain- $9,000 [($12,000 fair market value of new asset+ $4,000 boot received)-$7,000 adjusted basis of old asset]. Recognized gain= $4,000. | | | Postponed gain= $5,000. | | | New basis= $7,000 ($12,000 fair market value of new asset- $5,000 postponed gain). | | b. | Realized loss = $1,000. | | | Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $1,000. | | | New basis= $16,000 ($15,000 fair market value of new asset+ $1,000 postponed loss). | | c. | Realized loss = $1,500. Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $1,500. | | New basis= $9,500 ($8,000 fair market value of new asset+ $1,500 postponed loss). | | d. | Realized gain= $10,000. Recognized gain = $-0-. | | | Postponed gain= $10,000. | | | New basis = $22,000 ($32,000 fair market value of new asset – $10,000 postponed| | | gain). | | e. | Realized gain = $2,000. | | | Recognized gain= $1,000. | | | Postponed gain= $1,000. | | | New b asis= $10,000 ($11,000 fair market value of new asset- $1,000 postponed gain). | | f. | Realized loss = $2,000. Recognized loss= $-0-. | | | Postponed loss= $2,000. | | | New basis= $10,000 ($8,000 fair market value of new asset+ $2,000 postponed loss). Tax 4001 Spring 2011 Homework Set #5 Solution PAGE4 32. a. Since the owner is an owner-investor, the taxpayer use test applies. Replacing the warehouse that is rented to various tenants with a shopping mall that is rented to various tenants in a different location qualifies as replacement property. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain $ 700,000 (470,000) $ 230,000 Recognized gain $ -0- The basis for the replacement property is: Cost Postponed gain Basis $ 700,000 (230,000) $ 470000 b. Since the owner is an owner-user, the functional use test applies. Replacing the warehouse used in his business with another warehouse in a different state which is to be used in his business qualifies as replacement property under the functional use test. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain Recognized gain $ 400,000 (300,000) $ 100,000 $ -0- The basis for the replacement property is: Cost Postponed gain Basis $ 400,000 (100,000) $ 300,000 c. Since Swallow was an owner-user of the building, the functional use test applies. Thus, Swallow’s use of the replacement property and of the involuntarily converted property must be the same. Since Swallow’s use of the four-unit apartment building is different from the use of the building in its retail business, the apartment building does not qualify as replacement property. Amount realized Adjusted basis Realized gain Recognized gain $ 300,000 (250,000) $ 50,000 $ 50,000 The basis for the apartment building is its cost of $300,000. d. Not qualified replacement property because they are owner-users so functional-use test applies. Thus they must recognize their realized gain of $30,000 and their basis in the duplex is $200,000. How to cite Homework 5 Solution, Papers
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